

Why does feminism exist in society?

Updated: 11/14/2022
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9y ago

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Feminism exists in society because women are not equal to men in our society. Feminism will continue to exist until there is equality not just between men and women but until other forms of oppression such as racism exists.

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Q: Why does feminism exist in society?
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Does society still need feminism?

Yes, society still needs feminism because feminism is a movement that seeks to bring gender equality and society hasn't achieved this yet. Feminism seeks to deal with issues of gender inequality and other forms of oppression such as racism, until everyone is equal within society feminism will exist.

Which type of feminism accepts the basic organization of US society?

Liberal Feminism.

What are the difference between feminism and sociology?

Sociology is the study of society, looking at explanations into why society acts the way it does and what impacts society or vice versa. Feminism is the movement for gender equality.

Why is Liberal feminism a branch of feminism that is often criticized?

Some people believe that feminists are man-haters who want to destroy the fabric of society. Others argue that feminism has achieved very little and that women are still viewed as second-class citizens, and that unofficial inequalities (e.g. the 'glass ceiling') still exist unchallenged.

Can you study feminism?

Some schools offer "Gender Studies" where you can learn about the roles of people in society, and this will definitely study feminism.

Does feminism still exist?

Are there women who want to be in control of their own lives? YES.

How has the definition of feminism changed throughout the 20th century?

Early feminism attempted to make society more sympathetic to women's needs, but now it is happy to let the girls act like boys.

If black feminism wasn't in the world what would happen to the African American Women?

I'd argue that if black feminism didn't exist there would still be womanism, and whether there was a term for black feminism/womanism or not black women would still be fighting for their rights as human beings. Feminism is overwhelmingly white-centered, however consider before the suffrage (white women fighting for white womens rights, and ignoring the rights of women of colour) black women were still fighting for their rights to exist and to their freedom - white feminism is a small island in a sea of history of women fighting for their rights to be treated as equals.

Are feminists going too far?

Given the inequalities that continue to exist between men and women, feminism in general provides an important social function in making the argument in different ways and in different contexts that women are and should be equal to men. Like for instance back in the early 1900's most men thought that women voting was some radical idea but now it's the norm.

Was feminism and idea of the Renaissance?

Yes Feminism was a part of the renaissance ideal. Renaissance means literally "rebirth" and feminism was not a rebirth but a birth of women's idealism. Even though it wasn't a rebirth of an idea it was still an renaissance ideal in that it re-birthed women in general to a higher status in society. Women before the renaissance were insignificant. During and after the rebirth they played bigger roles in society as artist and writer. Both of which were originally only men's occupations.

What are Feminism strengths and weaknesses?

Strong as enables women to write about women.Good at raising gender inequalities within society within women.

Compare and contrastliberal feminism and radical feminism?

Liberal Feminism holds that the oppression of women is the denial of their equal rights, representation, and access to opportunities. Liberal Feminism takes a gender-neutral/gender-blind appraoch and holds that all men and women are created equal and should be treated the same, and seeks to reform oppressive systems. Liberal Feminism focuses strongly on fixing women's exclusion from political power. Radical Feminism, is, as its name implies, more radical than Liberal feminism. Radical Feminism carries the belief that "the personal is political" and sees that the oppression of women is caused by patriarchy, a system of male authority, strongly manifested in sexuality, personal relationships, and the family, and then carried over into the rest of the man-dominated world. As opposed to Liberal Feminism, Radical Feminism does not take a gender-blind/gender-neutral approach; Radical Feminism acknowledges that there are differences between men and women, and society should change to value those differences instead of devaluing the "feminine."