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Fluorine has more electrons in it's outer most shell, so it is more compact and attracted to the nucleus more. For more information on it, look up atomic radius trends in Google.

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Q: Why does fluorine has a smaller atomic radius than oxygen and chlorine?
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Why fluorine has a smaller atomic radius than both oxygen and chlorine?

Fluorine has a smaller atomic radius than oxygen and chlorine because it has more protons pulling the electrons closer to the nucleus, leading to a stronger attraction. This results in a smaller distance between the nucleus and the outermost electrons, hence a smaller atomic radius.

Why fluorine has smaller atomic radius than both oxygen and chlorine?

Fluorine has more electronegativity, meaning it is more "desperate" to obtain electrons. Its nucleus is the most attractive of all elements.

Why is fluorine smaller than oxygen?

Even though Fluorine comes after Oxygen, it is smaller due to the fact that it has more protons. Therefore, the electrons in Fluorine have a tighter orbit than the electrons in Oxygen. Electrons dictate atomic size.

Would fluorine's chemical properties more closely resemble those of oxygen or those of chlorine?

Fluorine is more chemically similar to chlorine than it is to oxygen. Fluorine and chlorine both have 7 valance electrons, whereas oxygen has 6.

How does fluorine's electronegativity compare to the electronegativigty of oxygen and chlorine?

Fluorine has the highest electronegativity among the three elements. Oxygen is the second most electronegative, while chlorine has a slightly lower electronegativity compared to both fluorine and oxygen.

What is an example of a non-metal?

Fluorine; oxygen; chlorine.

What are the other gases found in the periodic table?

Mono-atomic gases: Helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon. Di-atomic gases: Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Fluorine, Chlorine.

What is the oxidation states of the elements in FClO4?

FClO4 is the name of Fluorine perchlorate.Here Chlorine is in +7 oxidation state, Fluorine is in -1 oxidation state, 3 atoms of Oxygen (that are double bonded to Chlorine) are in -2 oxidation state, and the forth Oxygen atom (which is connected to Fluorine and Chlorine) is in 0 oxidation state.So, total charge = 7(of Chlorine) -1(of Fluorine) -(2 * 3)(of 3 Oxygen) +0(of Fourth Oxygen) = 0

What elements make chlorofluorocarbon?

chlorine, Fluorine, carbon, oxygen

What are all the elements that react with aluminium?

Oxygen, chlorine, fluorine.

What nonmetals are most are chemically reactive?

Fluorine, oxygen, chlorine.

What nonmetals are the most chemically reactive?

Fluorine, oxygen, chlorine.