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Q: Why does glycosylation of hemoglobin take place?
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Where does glycosylation of proteins occur?

Some glycosylation happens on the rER; most on the Golgi apparatus.

Why is glycosylated hemoglobin the most accurate diagnostic test for high glucose level?

Glycosylation of hemoglobin, and other proteins, takes place over time. That is why concentration of glycosylated hemoglobin is used to determine whether high blood sugar level seen in other tests is recent or has been present for a long time. To put it simply, if a patient has a high glucose level, you cannot tell whether it is a problem, or it is just that the person has eaten a while back. On the other hand, if the glycosylated hemoglobin level is high, you know for sure it is a long-term problem.

What is glycosylation?

Glycosylation is the enzymatic process that links saccharides to produce glycans, attached to proteins, lipids, or other organic molecules.

What substance is needed for hemoglobin synthesis?

Hemoglobin is the protein that, along with water, makes up a red blood cell. Hemoglobin is made from two substances, heme and globin. In order for hemoglobin synthesis to take place, two chains of globin must connect to one another. Without these chains, hemoglobin synthesis cannot happen.

What is Fetal hemoglobin?

Fetal hemoglobin has a pair of gamma-globin molecules in place of the typical beta-globins of adult hemoglobin

Mention the functions of Golgi body in plants?

protein glycosylation, lipid glycosylation and also Golgi works as a secretory point; from Golgi, secretory vesicles bud.

What concentration of glucose causes glycosylation?

Hemoglobin is glycosylated at any concentration, even normal blood sugar levels. This is why there is a "normal" hemoglobin A1c range. The problem comes when there is an elevated blood glucose. The problem is with the elevated blood glucose, not that there is an elevated Hgb A1c. The A1c is only a marker and a way for physicians to measure the average blood glucose over the past 120 days.

What is the Portuguese translation for alterations in glycosylation?

It's "Alterações na Glicosilação"

Are plant hemoglobin and animal hemoglobin homologous structures?

Only vertebrates and some invertebrates have hemoglobin. Plants don't need hemoglobin (and therefore don't have any) to take up oxygen because they can do so via their stomatal openings in their leaves.

What are three types of post-translational modification?

methylation lipidation glycosylation phosphorylation

What is the chemical found in cigarette smoke that binds to hemoglobin in place of oxygen is?


Where does glycosylation of proteins occur in mammalian cell?

In both the Endoplasmic Reticulum and the Golgi complex.