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Q: Why does government collect an income tax?
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What type of taxes does the federal government collect?

income tax..

Which amendment gives government power to collect income tax?

amendment 16

How much money does the US government collect in income tax?

2.16 trillion

Which amendment to the Constitution provided the ability for the federal government to collect an income tax from all workers?

The 16th Amendment to the U.S Constitution allows the government to collect the Income Tax.Prior to this amendment, the federal government made an attempt to to create an Income Tax, and the tax was brought to court.The United States Supreme Court ruled that an "Income Tax" was unconstitutional.In response, the Income Tax Amendment was added to the U.S Constitution, making the tax legal.

Does the state you live in collect income tax?

Yes the state that I live in does have a personal state income tax and does collect the states personal income taxes from the taxpayers.

What things dose the government collect income taxes?

Why dose the government collect income taxes

Why does the government collect income tax?

Too few people realize the benefits of using sales tax instead.

Is state allowed to tax?

The state is a government entity and all of them have to be allowed to tax in some method to collect income in order to be able to function otherwise it could not exist.

What other system of tax collect before federal income tax?

The federal government, when it was still largely behaving in the manner contemplating by our founders, received its income primarily from tariffs and fees. More information:

Do state and city government collect individual income tax?

Almost all states collect income taxes. Some major cities do as well. In New York state, for example, the cities of New York and Yonkers impose a separate municipal income tax, which is calculated on the same form and submitted to the state for distribution to the cities.

Which parts of the US Constitution gives the national government the power to collect income tax?

The 16th Amendment to the U. S. Constitution allows for an income tax. Abraham Lincoln had used an income tax to finance the Civil War but it was latter found to be unconstitutional thus necessitating the 16th Amendment.

What is an income tax?

Income tax an amount of tax that is due on your TAXABLE INCOME amount for the tax year.