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The droplets on grass (when there is no presence of dew) is not water but xylem sap. This is caused as an effect of root pressure when there is high amounts of water potential.

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Q: Why does grass form droplets of water at the tip of each blade when there is no dew fall?
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water vapor change into water droplets when are at a low temperature. when the water vapors are at a low tempertaure, the particles of water come closer to each other and they form droplets of water.

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Scissors and a small ruler, cut each blade manually.

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Dry water is a powdered liquid. It is a water air emulsion that has tiny water droplets. The water droplets are the size of a grain of sand. ==================================================== I am not sure of the veracity of the above answer, the water droplets would still each be wet!! However, in its solid form, ice, water is no longer wet.

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Wrong! Each seed equates to one grass PLANT (not one blade). If the grass is a clumping grass it will spread (upon maturity) and develop multiple shoots from the crown. One grass seedling, upon maturity, will produce a plant that is roughly 3-4" in diameter (10-16 leaves/blades)

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Why do water droplets form on smooth surfaces?

Because the two substances are not adhesive to each other.

Can water adhere and cohere?

When two things that are alike stick together, they cohere. Water molecules in a cloud cohere to each other forming a droplet of water. More of these droplets cohere to each other forming larger droplets. When the cloud becomes saturated with water droplets it rains. When two (or more) different things stick together, they adhere. When you get caught in a downpour and your clothes gets really wet, the water makes your clothes adhere (stick) to your skin.

Why does rain come in droplets?

Rain comes in droplets because of a process called condensation. When warm air rises and meets cooler temperatures in the atmosphere, the water vapor in the air condenses into tiny water droplets. These droplets then gather together to form clouds, and when they become too heavy, they fall to the ground as rain. The size of the droplets can vary depending on factors such as temperature and humidity.

What will happen if you mix oil and water and shake it up?

First of all you will see an emulsion of very tiny droplets of water and of oil. Gradually these tiny droplets will touch and combine with each other. Ultimately the oil droplets rise to the top because they are less dense than water. The water drops meanwhile are joining together and sinking below the oil. Finally the oil and water will have separated.

How often should you water Korean grass?

You should water Korean grass each day. Morning is the best time to do this. Your grass should get one inch of water per day during dry periods.

Why is your stiga villa senator leaving a strip of grass standing in the middle?

the blade tips are worn , they are offset to allow the blades to cut between each other. Usually caused from a lawn with sparce grass or sandy soil