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It is farther away from Earth,and gravity can't reach very far.

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Q: Why does gravity not pull on a space shuddle?
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What do astronauts control the temperature in the space shuddle?

they have a machine to tell nand control temp.

What kind of shoes is Neil Armstrong wearing that day?

space shuddle bow shoes

Why do crumbs fall down to the ground on earth and not in space?

the forces of gravity pull the crumbs towards the earths core but in space the gravity is less so the pull force is not as great as the earths pull

Will gravity pull you down when your in space?

yes m8

Can gravity pull light?

Yes. Although 'pull' is probably not a good word. Gravity bends space and time and light simply travels through this bent space causing it to be deflected.

How did Gravity Assist help the voyager space probe navigate the solar system?

By the gravity pull

Does the international space station have a gravity pull?

nope its not big enough.

How does a space shuttle resist gravity when coming back to Earth?

Friction with the atmosphere counter acts the pull of gravity.

Why does the pull of gravity keeps the moon in orbit around the earth?

they have butts in the space

Why do humans flaot in space?

Because there is no gravity to pull you down. It is the same when your inside water.

How are conditions in space different from those on earth?

Earth has lots of gravity to pull you back and space does not, space is like a never ending trampoline.

Who first traveled in the very first space rocket?

niel Armstrong was in the first nasa space mission shuddle to the moon. ONE SMALL STEP FOR NIEL ARMSTRONG!