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Helium is a very light gas. Light gases tend to float (as seen in a helium filled balloon). It is a light gas because it moves very very fast. It is said to be NOT dense.

When you have sucked Helium in, your breath that you use to speak will pass through the Helium gas. Your breath will now be moving faster. Things that move faster tend to have higher pitch.

Note: Helium does not change your vocal chords or your vocal muscles... just the speed of your breath.

Also, Argon gas can make your voice sound lower. But this is dangerous because it can sink into your lungs. So I was told you should be hanging upside down if you ever want to take a sip of Argon gas. I have never done this. DO NOT ATTEMPT this. You could pass out and suffocate if no one is around you.

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Q: Why does helium change the pitch of your voice?
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How do you change the pitch of your voice when you want to?

sucking in helium makes the pitch higher

What can helium do?

Helium can change the tone of a humans voice in an helium-rich atmosphere.

Why does inhaling helium increase voice pitch?

Because Helium is lighter than air so when you breath it it makes your vocal chords move faster giving you an increased voice pitch

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If helium replaces the nitrogen in normal air, the pitch of the diver's voice will increase considerably.

What are the Helium?

Balloons, and making your voice sound fast and high pitch.

Can helium change a heavy voice?

no it can change to high voices but not low

What are the helium uses?

Balloons, and making your voice sound fast and high pitch.

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Why does helium cause a voice change?

Helium causes a change in the voice because it is a different density than regular air, so when it is in your chest and passes through your vocal cords it vibrates at a different frequency.

Can helium change your voice forever?

Generally, no but Helium does cause damage to your vocal cords that can result in additional complications if overused.

What is a voice inflection?

Voice inflection is the variation in pitch, tone, and emphasis that we use when speaking to convey different meanings or emotions. It can alter the interpretation of a statement and give clues about the speaker's feelings or intentions.

What is voice inflections?

it is a change in pitch or tone