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Hydrochloric acid is formed by disolving HCl (a gas) into water. Sulfuric acid is formed by disolving H2SO4 (a liquid) in water. Pure H2SO4 is a clear syrupy liquid that absorbs any water in the air and gives off a smokey looking vapor if it is exposed to the air, but it isn't a gas, consequently sulfuric acid is not prone to off gassing unless you get it very hot.

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6d ago

Hydrochloric acid gasifies because it is a volatile acid with a high vapor pressure at room temperature. Sulfuric acid, on the other hand, is not volatile and does not readily produce vapors at normal conditions. It has a much higher boiling point and tends to stay in its liquid form.

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Q: Why does hydrochloric acid gas off and sulfuric acid does not?
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