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Q: Why does inertia affect oscillation time in the way that it does?
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What is thte Accurate way to measure the time for one oscillation of the pendulum?

We could reduce random errors by taking the average of the time taken for one oscillation.

What is Inertia's affect on surfing?

When the surfboard is hit from underneath you, your bodily inertia will want to carry on in the way as it had been doing before, i.e. where you were going with your surfboard, so you will fly off

A pendulum has a length L and time period T for completing one oscillation.?

Yes, you can label it that way.

What are the factors that affect the use of time and energy?

Time is caused by a particle that I discovered, the Graviton. Graviton particles orbit all atoms & create gravity & inertia by simply bumping into everything. Gravitons have a constant & predictable velocity that exceeds 10,000 times the speed of light. An alarm clock, for example, has a part called the escapement which measures inertia and graviton impacts. If you take your alarm clock to the Moon for example, it will run way too fast because there are 5/6 ths fewer graviton impacts on the Moon. The use of any energy that is affected by inertia will speed in the same way....Alfred Schrader

What is inertia how does it affect the way an object moves?

inertia is defined as the tendency of an object to continue in its state of rest/motion/direction. if u try to get down a running bus, your body was actually in motion with speed=the speed of bus. so it does not stop immediately u need to run for a while otherwise u will fall. this is inertia of motion.

What is the best way to counteract the effects of inertia is to?

Wear your seatbelt

When driving one way to manage the effects of inertia is to?


What is resonant cicuit?

An electrical circuit that combines capacitance and inductance in such a way that a periodic electric oscillation will reach maximum amplitude

Why ball is in the law of inertia?

Once in motion tends to stay that way.

How does peer pressure affect the way you dress?

Peer pressure can affect the way you dress if your friend picks on your dressing style. If he/she says something good, it will encourage you to dress well next time.

On Animal Crossing lets go to the city does time travel affect flowers?

No way kid!

Is mass related to inertia?

Inertia states that an object in motion will stay in motion unless another force acts against this object. The larger the mass the object has, the more force must be used to go against its movement. In this way, mass relates to inertia.