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Such a question is a philosophical one. Science is a matter of how things work. If a why question is answered, it is only secondary to a how.

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Q: Why does inertia exist?
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Where is the fuel pump inertia switch on a 1999 Dodge pickup?

Dodge doesn't use inertia switches, so it doesn't exist

Where is the 94 Jeep Cherokee Sport with i6 inertia switch located?

Doesn't exist

How can you prove inertia exist?

Inertia exist because of the Law of Motion of Sir Isaac Newton states that " bodies at rest will remain at rest and objects in motion will continue moving at constant speed in a straight line unless acted upon a net force.

Does inertia exist on a flying airplane?

Every thing that has mass has inertia, even particles of light it seems. If an aircraft had no inertia during flight, it would instantly react to every bit of turbulent air, change of engine power or flight control input. That would make for a most uncomfortable flight!

Would a massless object fall?

As per Law of Gravitation, there is no gravitational force on a massless object, so it will not accelerate. But mass-less object does not exist. It should have some mass and all objects fall down on earth with same acceleration irrespective of their mass(if air resistance is neglected).

What are the kinds of inertia?

There are actually 3 kinds of inertia. They are as follows : 1. Inertia of Rest 2. Inertia of Motion 3. Inertia of Direction But nowadays people consider that there are 2 kinds of inertia , inertia of rest and inertia of motion.

What is property of things to resist changes in motion is called?


Inertia can be categorized as?

Resting Inertia and Moving Inertia

How does thE centrifugal force is related to centripetal force?

Centrifugal force does not exist, it is only the objects' inertia trying to keep the object moving in a strait path.

Does an exact quote of Newton's original statement of the law of inertia exist?

Yes, it does, and in English. I don't have the quote, but you can probably get the entire text at the Gutenberg Project.

What is a inertia?

There is no "A inertia." Its just inertia and inertia is the measure of an objects to stay at rest or to keep moving.

What is associated with inertia?

Inertia is associated with mass