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Intelligent design's popularity is derived from it's apparent ability for people to reconcile science with their inherent religious beliefs. People would much rather choose to still believe in their God and use intelligent design to explain nature (no mater how flawed, and unscientific it is) rather than actually understand the truth of evolution.

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Q: Why does intelligent design seem appealing if not convincing to some people?
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What is one-word synonym for intelligent design?

Many people believe that creationism is a one word synonym for intelligent design. Though this is not true, I hope it may be the answer you are looking for.

Who do Intelligent Design people believe in?

The principal proponents of "Intelligent Design", such as the creationist Discovery Institute, claim that Intelligent Design is not a religious argument, and they are therefore neutral as to who the Designer actually is. In practice, virtually all proponents of this hypothesis are Christians. They therefore believe in the Abrahamic God, and seek to have people believe that Intelligent Design proves his existence.For more information, please visit:

Why do people who believe in Catholicism don't agree with evolution?

It is not forbidden by Catholicism to believe in evolution. The reason many people who believe in a god do not believe in evolution is that evolution's adversary, Intelligent Design, makes far more sense to one who believes in God that anyone who does not, although you can believe in intelligent design and not believe in God.

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Is the design argument a convincing argument?

The design argument, which posits that the complexity and order in the universe suggest a designer, is convincing to some people because it provides a logical explanation for the existence of complex systems. However, others find it unconvincing due to alternative explanations, like natural selection, and the lack of direct evidence for a designer. Ultimately, the persuasiveness of the design argument can vary depending on an individual's perspective and beliefs.

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Creationists and proponents of intelligent design are groups of people who have rejected the research approach of evolutionists studying culture from a historical perspective. They often argue that the findings and interpretations of evolutionary cultural studies contradict their beliefs in divine creation or intelligent design.

Are koi intelligent?

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What is group of intelligent people called?

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Why do Darwin and evolution weaken the design argument?

Strictly speaking, this question is in the wrong order, because Charles Darwin and evolution pre-dated the intelligent design argument.At the time of Charles Darwin, in the nineteenth century, most people in Europe and the Americas believed that God created all living things just as we see them now. Thus, there was no reason for the intelligent design argument, which holds that if evolution occurred then it must have been guided by an unseen deity.Intelligent design is in part a political phenomenon, created in the United States because the Courts rejected the teaching of creationism, and then 'creation science', as science in the school syllabus. The proponents of intelligent design believed that, by separating claims for the existence of God from their hypothesis about design of living organisms, the courts would accept intelligent design as a suitable topic for a science course, taught alongside, or instead of, evolution. However, this was as weak an argument as those previously submitted for creationism and creation science, and intelligent design continues to be regarded as a religious argument, not a scientific one.For more information, please visit:

What do all intelligent people have in common?

Being intelligent of course

How is Obama good?

Hi is good at convincing people he is what he is not.

If you take your case to trial do you have a better chance of coming home?

Convincing one person is a challenge; convincing 12 people is the toughest.