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Earth's rotation creates a sense of the sun's movement

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Fletcher Altenwerth

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2y ago
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6y ago

Earth's rotation creates a sense of the sun's movement

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Q: Why does it appear that the sun moves from east to west?
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Do earth moves east to west?

No, the earth rotates west to east. As a result objects like the sun appear to move from east to west.

Why does the sun appear at east to west?

Because the Earth rotates west to east.

Does the sun set in the earth or west?

To us, the sun moves from the east to the west, where it sets.

Does the sun is moving toward west?

Is the sun does move east towards the moves does west.

How the sun moves when the sunspots move from WEST TO EAST?

By the Sun's rotation.

Does the tip of a shadow always move on an east to west line?

The sun moves from east to west. Shadows are opposite to the sun light and therefor move from west to east.

On earth the sun apears to rise in the?

East It moves from East to west across the sky

Sun appear to rise in east and set west?


How does the sun appear in the east and set in the west?

The earth rotates in a clock wise motion thus making the sun rise in the east and set in the west.

Does the sun appear to be east in the moring and west n the afternoon?

Yes, it does.

Does the sun appear to rise in the west and set in the east in New York?


Where does the sun appear to rise then to set?

Rise in the East and set in the West.