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It seems to me, sir/madam that you are Shittin' Shards. It's a very serious medical term for a very serious condition. I am a doctor so I know everything.

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Q: Why does it feel like im pooping shards of glass?
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Does silica act like glass shards inside your arteries?

Silica acts like glass shards in your arteries. It can kill you.

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Small pieces of glass, (like the expression), glass splinters

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Stigma shards are dropped off every NPC in the abyss with a high drop rate. You can also buy them on the broker if you don't feel like farming your own.

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The shards of glass are hazardous to humans and can have an effect like bleeding out if a main vain is hit.

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My brother (who is a 18 yr old) love jost pooping is his diaper if he has one on.

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Pain when urinating is the biggest one. If it feels like shards of glass are sliding down your urethra when you pee, you've got a UTI.

does anyone like pooping?

Pooping may be smelly, but yes

What does the outside of the glass with ice cubes feel like?

It feels like ice , and glass like . · The glass filled with cold water and ice cubes felt cold on the outside as well.

What does glass feel like?

glass feels smooth and glass is made from sand and water =]

How do you get your fantage person to look like she is pooping?

um do this got to go to bathroom ll poopz ll then it will look like your pooping

What does obsidian feel like?

Well, it feels like glass. It is a volcanic rock that forms after quick cooling that takes on a crystalline structure that would feel like glass. It could be rough in other places, like any other crystal, but it will be fairly smooth.

What does a gasoline high feel like?

You will hallucinate for a few minutes, depending on how long you huffed. You may have a good or bad trip. Most of the time they are bad trips, like shards of glass shooting out of your skin. If you start huffing regularly you will start getting random nose bleeds and you will get headaches that last for hours. i don't suggest it. very very dangerous if done wrong you die.