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because it gets squished

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Q: Why does it hurt really bad when a guy puts his penis in me?
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Why does it hurt REALLY bad when your boyfriend trys to put his penis inside you?

Try using lube. Can get it in a supermarket. If that doesn't help see a doctor. Should not be painful experience.

Does it really hurt as bad as a guy says it does to get hit in the penis or is it just in their head?

being a male, i can tell you that even a slap (to the balls) can hurt very badly... its not the penis that hurts when it gets hit its the balls.... and yes it hurts a lot... probably more than if a girl would get punched in the breast

Does it hurt for men when doing it for first time?

seeing as how your penis isn't used to being in such a tight place its going to be alot of preasure and going in and out will feel like its tugging on the first layer of flesh really bad. also the skin from your testicle to your penis will be in pain because of the flopping. in end, yeah itll hurt

Is it bad to cut your fingernails really short?

no unless you cut them to short because it will hurt really bad

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it will hurt really bad.

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Yah they hurt really bad.

How bad does it hurt to get your tonuge pierced?

It really doesn't hurt all that bad, it's just sore a little bit after

How bad does it hurt to put ice in your hand and add salt?

really bad

When i my head in the front hurts really bad is that bad?

Dont i your head in the front. no hurt bad.

Is jerico really as nasty as he puts on?

if you mean chris jerico for wwe then no he is not as bad as he puts on cas ive met him cas i got ring side tickets and hes really really nice.

What happens if you do not warm up?

you can hurt yourself really bad

Does getting your navel pierced hurt if you aren't good with pain?

yes it does hurt a lot for like 5 seconds only when he puts the needle and that's it .. but after that no pain i had mine and im happy with it .. its totally worth it if u really love piercings so don't be scared it's not that bad