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Q: Why does it hurt so bad when you sneeze?
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What does it mean when your arms hurt after you sneeze?

Your heart stops when you sneeze, so mabie your nerves were interrupted.

When was Hurt So Bad created?

Hurt So Bad was created in 1965.

When was Why Does It Hurt So Bad created?

Why Does It Hurt So Bad was created on 1996-07-22.

Is it bad to sneeze everyday?


What will happen if you hold your nose while you sneeze?

If I do it, my ears pop real bad. It's not a good idea. It can hurt your ears and prevent your nose from being cleared.

Is it bad to make your self sneeze?

It's not bad it's only bad if u hold it in u will loose brain cells if u hold in the sneeze

Is it better to sneeze or not to?

It's much better to let yourself sneeze. You sneeze because there's something inside your nose that isn't supposed to be there. When you sneeze, the air blasts out whatever was bothering your nose. Also, the pressure from holding in a sneeze could hurt your ears.

Can you sneeze and not blink?

The fact is you can go search every where and ask any one but blinking your eyes while you sneeze is a natural body reaction. When you see a bright light you sneeze and your eyes close so that they can shut longer than when you blink so you won't hurt your eyes . As much as you try not to blink you cant because when you sneeze your entire body shuts down for that time so your eyes close as well. Another reason why you naturally blink when you sneeze is that if you did not blink while sneezing, your eyes would pop out.

Does the shot hurt so bad?

sometimes they might

What is a sneeze fetish?

A sneeze fetish is when you like when people sneeze around you. It may or may not turn you on, but you like the way a sneeze sounds or even looks. The intense build-up to a sneeze is almost orgasmic, and people say that a sneeze is just 1/8 of an orgasm.

How bad does it hurt to get your ears gauged?

It can range from how bad it is so the worse it is the worse it hurts.

Is it bad to sneeze?

No, it's one of your body's natural reflexes.