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Many times when the canal was deep and infected the dentist will use special files to widen the canal. This is essentially removing tissue from the tooth. this can cause the gums to be sore. Now if the root was not all removed you would feel pain in the exact tooth. thanks for reading.. Http:// is my Dental website.

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Q: Why does it hurt when i oprn my mouth yo eat 5 days after root canal - no pain right after root canal - the pain is on the same side i had the root canal but it doesnt hurt near the tooth?
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What is the difference between getting your tooth pulled and getting a root canal?

A root canal would almost never be done on a Wisdom Tooth. But it is when they open the top of the tooth and remove all of the nerves in the roots. They leave the roots and fill them with a special material. Then they put a filling in the tooth. The tooth will also need a crown put on it to keep it healthy. Having your Wisdom Teeth removed is when they take out the very last molars in your mouth. They are called Wisdom Teeth. Very few people have room for these teeth to fit properly in their mouth. Each person has one on the top right, top left, bottom right and bottom left; four wisdom teeth. A root canal is done to save a tooth and keep it in mouth. The removal of a tooth consists of extracting it. Which is better? Depends on many factors. Can you use your wisdom tooth if you keep it? Will that wisdom tooth replace another molar that has previously extracted? The best would be to discuss it with your dentist.

Does a root canal increase the chances of losing a tooth?

No . . . the root canal procedure is intended to save the tooth.

What is d3330 root canal therapy?

that is a root canal of a molar tooth. Meaning the dentist is removing the nerve and pulp of the tooth.

Is it right to extract a tooth with a root canal treatment simply because without nerves the tooth is considered dead and assumed to have a negative effect on one's overall health?

No. Firstly, a tooth that has had root canal treatment is not dead. The tooth still receives nourishment and support from the tissues around it and does not fall out. It remains held in place by surrounding ligaments. Sobek

What are consequences of getting your root canal therapy?

If your tooth needs a root canal and is not painful, then it must be a dead tooth. When a tooth is dead, it is a source of infection which is not good. It is possible that it could hurt in the future due to infection. Better to have the root canal done, because you're trying to save your tooth. If you don't have the root canal treatment done and your tooth continues to decay, the dentist might have to pull that tooth out in the future. Once you pull out your tooth, that's gone forever

Can a 10 year old have a root canal on a molar?

6 year olds get their first adult molar at the back of the mouth , and if a cavity gets too deep quickly, the nerve will die, and the tooth will need root canal treatment.

Is replacing bonded tooth with a crown necessary to prevent root canal?

Is replacing bonded tooth with a crown necessary to prevent root canal?

Is baby tooth root canal effects the coming of permanent tooth?


How is a root canal performed?

treatment is performed under local anesthesia. A thin sheet of rubber, called a rubber dam, is placed in the mouth to isolate the tooth. The dentist removes any tooth decay and makes an opening through the natural crown of the tooth into the pulp chamber

Where is tooth?

in your mouth

How do you get rid of tooth roots?

root canal

How long can a tooth stay in your mouth after the nerve has been removed?

It is important to know that the nerve is removed not killed. If a tooth has had to fight a long infection, many times the tooth is dead, which means it is unable to fight the infection present inside the canal. The treatment for this situation is root canal therapy. Most of the time the patient does not feel anything throughout the procedure except the delivery of local anesthesia. The treatment goal is to clean the canal space and remove all nerve tissue and bacteria that is present inside the canal. A successful root canal treatment will remove the pain experienced by the patient immediately unless the infection has spread outside the root around the tooth, then it may still be sensitive to biting forces. So to answer your question, the nerve is removed and therefore there is ideally no nerve tissue left in the tooth after the procedure.