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Basically because populations evolve and individuals are selected. Let us assume that a beneficial mutation occurs in a individual organism. Even if beneficial in the immediate environment it must be in the germ line and passed on to progeny who mate with other organisms whose genes must work in concert with the new mutation that then needs to spread far enough into the populations gene pool so that there is a change in allele frequency that leads to, perhaps, some morphological or behavioral change. This can take uncounted generations, or can be a bit quicker. But, never in one jump.

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Q: Why does it take many many generations for evolution by natural selection to occur?
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What are the 4 mechanisms by which evolution can occur?

genetic drift, mutation, natural selection, and migration

What allows natural selection and evolution to occur for a tree?

differences in the characteristics of individual trees

What allows natural selection and evolution to occur?

the unequal ability of individuals to survive and reproduce

How does sexual reproduction speed up the evolutionary process?

Evolution can only be seen through generations. Natural selection allows those that have the advantageous genes to live, and others to die out. Therefore, it takes many generations to see the effects of evolution on a species. Increasing sexual reproduction allows the turnover of generations to be quicker. Since we can only see the changes in future generations of a species, more reproduction will let those generations get here quicker, and therefore evolution can occur faster.

How does natural selection provide a mechanism for evolution to occur?

by having sexual intercourse with hoes and getting money

What are three reasons for natural selection to occur?

1. different breeding 2. evolution 3.adaptation

What is the most important force in shaping evolution?

Evolution has two key driving forces without which it would not occur, but with which it must occur: The first is reproductive variation: this basically asserts that each organism is slightly different from both its parents and its siblings. The second is differential reproductive success: this asserts that features that allow their bearers to reproduce more successfully than members of the same species with different features are likely to be present in a greater part of the population in coming generations. In other words: the key driving forces behind evolution are variation and selection.

Generally evolution by natural selection occurs quite slowly over?

Evolution through natural selection occurs slowly over millions of years. It has been hypothesized that evolution is the result of positive mutations that occur in a community of organisms that help them survive better. Evolution is essentially descent with modification.

Why is Lamark not called the father of Evolution?

Because it was Darwin who made it a scientifically plausible explanation, by providing a mechanism by which evolution could occur....Natural Selection.

Can the cultural evolution occur faster than biological evolution?

Yes, cultural evolution can occur much faster than biological evolution because cultural traits can be rapidly spread and adopted among populations through communication, imitation, and technology, whereas biological evolution relies on genetic changes that accumulate over generations through the process of natural selection. This allows cultural adaptations to occur more rapidly in response to changing environments or social needs.

What are the pressures of natural selection?

Everything from available food to climate will cause the changes we see in natural selection. Random mutations occur constantly and when those mutations are beneficial for life, the genetic code is more likely to be passed on to future generations.

6 Explain why evolution by natural selection can not occur if the variation in a characteristic does not contribute to differences in fitness?

If there is not reproductive fitness conveyed by a variant trait, then natural selection has nothing to select and nothing to promote into the populational gene pool.