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Men make millions of sperm in hopes that one will make it, because the vast majority won't. Some will not swim correctly, some will swim in the wrong direction back out of the vagina, others will swim into the wrong fallopian tube, etc. So a lot is needed to ensure that one gets there.

In order to be considered fertile, a man needs to have about 40 million sperm per ejaculation.

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13y ago

It only takes one sperm to fertilize an egg. Millions are released to increase the likelihood of one coming into contact with the egg. Picture yourself trying to shoot an ant with a BB gun from across a football field. Now picture a million people trying to shoot an ant with BBguns from across a football field. 1 person = near zero chance of a hit. 1 million people = still not guaranteed, but a much better chance.

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a man can release millions of sperm at once,however only one sperm can fertilize an egg

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Why many sperm cell's needed to fertilize an egg cell?

Because out of a normal ejaculation of 200 million sperms, 90% are deformed which is normal. The actually fertilize an egg it only takes one.

What is the purpose of production of so many sperms when only one has to fertilize the egg?

Because most of the sperm cells die on their journey to the egg.

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A sperm don't need 70 days to to be able to fertilize an egg. Sperms are being made all the time and they are always ready to fertilize. When you ejaculate they are ready. So yes.

Where do the sperm and egg join together?

This normally happens in fallopian tube. Many sperms are needed to dissolve the outer coat of the egg. Only one can penetrate the egg to fertilize the same.

Why is there a need for so many sperms to try to fuse with the egg cell?

because some of the sperm cells might be in-active therefore the healthiest one will fertilize the egg

Does it take at least a dozen male sperm to fertilize a female egg?

no,sigle men single sperm fertilize fimale egg.

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