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Q: Why does jack betray Auggie by talking behind his back?
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My Friend Was talking Behind my back why?

I can't tell you why your friend was talking behind your back but I can tell you that real friends don't talk behind their friend's back. You should let your friend know how you feel about this and that it is an act of betrayal.

Is it good to be talking bad about your friend behind her back?

No Way! You'll just lose your friend if you talk behind her back.

Should you confront someone who is talking about you?

Yes. If you confront them, hopefully they will stop talking about you behind your back.

How do you stop your friends from talking behind your back?

Choose friends that don't do that. Also, don't do things that are worth talking about behind your back. Ultimately, you can not control other people's actions, only your own.

Why are strangers talking behind your back like they know things about you that they dont?

Either they are talking behind your back or it sounds to you like they are, if they are why not just ask them "hey, why are you talking about me?" I know it's not nice to have people saying things about you that aren't true... Enagee

What should you do if you have a friend talking behind your back?

Confront her if you are certain they are and ask them why.

How to handle co-worker who is talking behind your back and saying negative remarks about you what to do about coworker who is saying negative things behind your back?

Comfort then

My Friend was talking behind my back because of something I did by accident?

We can say that the friend was simply back - biting you.

What if people are talking about you behind your back?

# ---- ---- do you like a friend who says shut up to you

What to do when a girl is talking to you about your friend behind their back?

Tell her you're not interested in gossip.

What is the word for being afraid of people talking about you behind your back?

Paranoia, or social paranoia.