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Because other countries have been telling them what to do and they want to feel that they can control something. Even the the meat of dolphins has a HIGH level or murcery that put it in free childrens lunch meats and in the supermarket labled it whale. They kill about 2300 a year. For more info you can watch THE COVE or go to

<---whoever wrote this is a moron. you sound like an idiot with that 1st sentence. write facts, not opinions. people log on to research and form they're own opinions. this isn't a blog. you're not helping anyone, and nobody cares what you think. "Japan gets told what to do and they wanna control something." you sound like a 12 year old girl. go get raped, or something.

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13y ago

The Japanese kill dolphins for their meat and justify their actions by using boats owned by scientists and calling it "research"

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Q: Why does japan kills dolphins?
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Does man hurt bottlenose dolphins?

yes they pollute water and that kills bottlenose dolphins

Are there dolphins in Japan?

Yes, there are dolphins ~ go to ""

How many dolphins is in japan?

There probably isn't an actual known number of dolphins in Japan since dolphins tend to roam through different seas.

Who eats or harms dolphins?

There are industries in Japan and the Faro Islands that kill dolphins for food.

What ocean zone are dolphins located in?

Dolphins can be found in a lot of oceans... sadly even japan

What countries abuse dolphins?

Japan, Malaysia, Denmark, Australia, and The Faroe Islands all abuse dolphins.

What kills dolphins the most?

Tuna nets, which can sometimes stretch for miles. The threat to dolphins is highest in the Pacific. Indiscriminate mass fishing kills massive amounts of marine life every year, but the no. 1 dolphin killer is tuna nets.

Does any other country kill dolphins other than Japan?

The Solomon Islands and the Faroe Islands still hunt dolphins on a much smaller scales than Japan.

Do dolphins have Mercury poisoning?

yes they do thy have mercury poisoning that's why japan is still thinkingabout eating the dolphins

Are products made in Japan still marked made in Japan?

Yes. Boycott Japan until they stop slaughtering dolphins shamelessly.

What is one reason the dolphins and porpoises are becoming fewer in number?

One reason the dolphins and porpoises are becoming fewer in number is fishing which kills many of these animals every year.

How many dolphins are killed each year in the Cove in Japan?

An estimated 23 thousand dolphins and porpoises are slaughtered each year.