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She doesn't want to go to school. She starts cussing so her dad believes she learned it from school and doesn't make her go.

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1mo ago

Jem pushed Scout extra hard during the time To Kill a Mockingbird because he wanted to keep her safe and make sure she reached safety quickly. The urgency of the situation made him act in a way that may have seemed rough but was meant to protect Scout from danger.

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Q: Why does jem pushed scout extra hard in the time to kill a moxking bird?
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That's on my study guide tooo!

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The first item Scout found in the knothole of the tree was two sticks of chewing gum.

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Scout's distinguishing features include short dark hair and a tomboy look. She only likes to wear pants, overalls in particular.

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The fight between Jem and Scout tells you that he is short tempered.