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Needs to be done only in kernel mode otherwise, a job could set the clock back to increase its processor time slice (among other things)

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Q: Why does kernel mode set the time of day clock?
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O'clock is a contraction of 'of the clock' so it is a short way to say the time is three of the clock or whatever time being refered to.

How do you alter the analog clock in a Mercedes SLK 200 2006 model?

To change the clock you have to use the menu on the steering wheel. I don't remember which mode but toggle thru and it will ask the date, time of day then once you ok it, it will fix the analog as well as the digital.

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A 400 day clock is another term for a torsion clock which is a device that keeps time using a torsion pendulum. It is also known as an anniversary clock.

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A day. Its in real time if you have the clock set correctly.

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Yes, the Great Pyramid has a stellar clock. This is a clock that uses the stars to tell the time of the day.

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You can not! A day is a day! It runs on a real time clock

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it is at 3 o clock

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You should be given a timesheet. all you have to do is insert your timesheet into a slot in the time clock and it will print the day and the time onto the card.

What is the use of the clock?

to tell what time of day it is

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it is important because it tells us what is the time of the day

What instructions should be allowed only in kernel mode?

Instructions that control interrupts. Instructions that manage memory mapping and Set the time of day clock. Instructions that actually access input/output devices by i/o commands or read/write device registers. Instructions that allow access to memory outside of a users allocated memory area. Instructions that let you modify system software Instructions that let you gain priority or privilege not appropriate for your user account.

Why is apparent solar time not used to measure on a clock?

Because, when using "apparent solar time", the length of a "solar day" varies slightly during the year. (This is because the Earth's orbit isn't exactly circular and the Earth's axis is tilted.) "Clock time" is based on an average (or "mean") of these day lengths, called the "mean solar day". So clocks use "mean solar time". (By coincidence, on the date the question was answered (14th April) "apparent solar time" and 'clock' time are synchronised.) There's another reason for apparent solar time being different from clock time. "Clock time" uses time zones. So, over a wide area, the time on a clock equals the "mean solar time" at a particular, defining, longitude.