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Lactulose has an overly sweet taste but does not taste like coconut.

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Q: Why does lactulose taste like coconut?
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Related questions

What does coconut look like?

one coconut is the kola coconut, it is black and silver. mostly found and made in sanfransicso.

What is taste evasion?

Taste evasion refers to deliberately avoiding or bypassing certain flavors or tastes in food or drinks. This could involve skipping specific ingredients, using alternatives, or modifying recipes to eliminate unwanted taste elements.

Why does Orajel taste similar to coconut?

just so it doesnt taste like complete crap

Canned coconut substitute?

Coconut water. It doesn't taste as good but will do.

Is coconut milk taste like regular milk?

no. It tastes more like watter, not sweet nor salty, and since it was in a coconut it gathered its smell so while drinking you 'taste' the coconut.

Can lactulose cause bleeding?

Lactulose cannot, by itself, cause bleeding.

Do fresh coconuts have a soapy taste and smell?

It varies depending on the person and the coconut. Every coconut is different and each person has a different sense of taste and smell, it's just how you perceive it.

What is lactulose source or method of production?

lactulose is manufactured by enzymatic isomerization of lactose.

Can you heat coconut milk?

No it'll taste all....ew :/

What is Evasive?

Taste evasion is essentially avoiding eating certain things because of the way it tastes. If a person does not like coconut they will avoid anything with coconut in it since it has such a distinct taste.

Is lactulose fattening?

Very little of lactulose is digested. It won't add to weight gain.

How do you get the salt taste out of coconut cream pie?

Don't cook it with salt.