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because long ago there was a sea there but a volcano formed a barrer so now its a lake with sharks. the animals adapted because long ago there was a sea there but a volcanoe formed a barrer so now its a lake with sharks. the animals adapter!! Above was the original thought, but tagged Bull Sharks (originally thought to be a species unique to the lake) have been found in the Caribbean and vice versa so they are able to make the journey up the river into the ocean and back. There are also marlin, tarpon and I believe tuna in this lake.

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Q: Why does lake Nicaragua have sharks?
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Which is the only lake in the world that has sharks?

Lake Nicaragua

What is the only fresh water lake in the world to have sharks?

in harsh salt-water environments, usually in the middle of huricanes

Are lake sharks real?

In Nicaragua, lake sharks are real. Everywhere else, not so much.maybe

Where are the worlds only fresh water sharks located?

The world's only freshwater sharks, known as bull sharks, can be found in various freshwater environments, including rivers, lakes, and estuaries around the world. They are known for their ability to adapt to different salinity levels and can swim upstream in rivers for long distances. Some well-known populations of freshwater bull sharks can be found in places like the Amazon River in South America and the Zambezi River in Africa.

What is the largest fresh water lake other than the great lakes?

lake nicaragua? not too sure though- they also have fresh water sharks there

What is the name of the lake in Nicaragua?

Lake Nicaragua is a vast freshwater lake in Nicaragua and with an area of 8,264 km² it is the largest lake in Central America.

What country is Lake Nicaragua in?

Lake Nicaragua is in Nicaragua, which is in Central America under Honduras and El Salvador

What does Nicaragua's topography look like?

Nicaragua is in the middle of the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean. There are 2 lakes in Nicaragua; Lake Nicaragua and Lake Managua

How many miles is lake Nicaragua?

how many square miles is nicaragua lake

What is unusual about Lake Nicaragua?

Originally it was thought to be a separate species but it actually is the bull shark which is known for swimming up rivers. Bull sharks have been known to attack people many miles up the Mississippi and other world rivers. Bull sharks tagged in the lake have been found later in the Caribbean and vice versa. I forgot the river's name the sharks swim up. hope that helps.

What is the large lake located in the southwest Nicaragua that drains in the Caribbean sea?

Lake Nicaragua

What country in central has two large lakes?

Nicaragua : Lake Managua and Lake Nicaragua