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Kind of obvious...there's more water than powder.

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Q: Why does lemonade taste watery when you don't add enough powder?
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How much lemons are needed to make a gallon of lemonade?

It depends on the brand and concentration of the powder mix. I would add it to taste.

Do tacos taste good with lemonade?

Yes they do.

What does a taste of garlic powder mean?

garlic powder until you taste fool

Why does lemonade taste so good on a hot day?

because lemonade has a higher power to our mouths.

What is the difference between Pink Lemonade and Lemonade other than color and taste?

Pink lemonade is more expensive in fancy restaurants. Haha

What taste buds are stimulated by lemonade?

Sweet and sour.

Why is pink is pink?

pink lemonade is actually lemonade that has been artificially colored (dyed). sometimes they may make it taste different to distinguish it from regular lemonade.

When you add ice to water what happens?

It looks the same but, it will have a watery taste.

How does pink lemonade differ from regular lemonade?

The color is not the only difference. If it is like most companies, the sugar is supposed to make the pink lemonade like strawberry lemonade and the yellow lemonade like lemonade.

What happens when you add water to iced tea?

It looks the same but, it will have a watery taste.

What kind of drinks taste great on hot days?

Lemonade and water

How to neutralize the Tamarind taste?

Increase chillie powder or pepper powder to neutralize the taste of tamarind in a dish. You can also use potato to reduce the taste of tamarind. You can also use some extra water. Small pinch of tamarind is enough for a dish.