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Q: Why does maniac leave town by walking down the middle of hector street?
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Why does Maniac leave town by walking by the center of hector street?

Hector street divides whites from blacks

Why does Maniac leave town by walking down the center of Hector Street?

Hector street divides whites from blacks

Why does Maniac Magee leave town by walking down the center of Hector Street?

He goes down Hector street because it devides the white and black people .

Why do the cobras stop chasing Maniac?

they were standing at Hector Street, Hector Street was the boundary between East and West ends.

What is the street that divides the East and West end in Maniac Magee?

it is called Hector street

What street was cobbles corner in Maniac Magee?

on the corner of hector and birch.

What is the significance of hector street in the story Maniac Magee?

It divides the whittles from the blacks

What is the significant Hector street in the book Maniac Magee?

In the book "Maniac Magee," Hector Street is significant because it divides the racially segregated East End and West End neighborhoods. The street represents a societal boundary and is a symbol of the racial tensions that exist in the fictional town of Two Mills.

Who was Arnold Jones in Maniac Magee?

a boy that lived on the west side of hector street and was once builled and thrown over finsterwalds backyard

If I hit a pedestrian walking down the middle of the street can I be charged?


What major events are in chapters 12-21 in the book Maniac Magee?

In chapters 12-21 of "Maniac Magee," major events include Maniac rescuing a boy from a history test at school, meeting Amanda and cobbling for the Beales, confronting Mars Bar Thompson at the Little League game, and running away from Hector Street to the zoo. Maniac's interactions with the East End residents and his growing reputation as a legend are also important events during this section.

What happens on Plum street in Maniac Magee?

Maniac raced mars bar