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Maybe your to young or she doesn't feel safe with your information on the internet

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Q: Why does mom dont let you have a facebook?
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How can you get your mom to let you have a facebook?

Just ask her. If you are mature about it, she will let you.

Why doesn't your mom let you have a facebook?

because they think bad peolpe would come and kidnap you. i think thats why your mom doesnt let you have a facebook;)

What should i do if my mom won't let me have a facebook account?

hide it from her

How can you convince your mom to let you get a facebook if she really wont change her mind?

if you keep bothering her about it she will let you.hope this works!!

My mom won't let me have a facebook so what can i use instead of Facebook?

facebook, tell your mom she can monitor your account with her email address. you can use msn, twitter, skype... just search on the internet safe chatting sites

How do you convince your mom to let you get a permanent highlight?

Dont it will ruin your hair

Can you get a Facebook without an email?

Yes. Because if you go on facebook and press dont want one it let's you not have one (hope that helped)

Is Facebook suitbul for an 11 year old boy?

yes but dont let them on it for long

How do you convince your mom for another guinea pig?

you dont you just let her choose

What if your mom will not let you date by yourself what should you do?

keep itt from her dont tell

How do you convince your mom to let you take chorus?

dont have to convience her just do it secretly..

How come my mom won't let me get a facebook?

Well if she has a Facebook tell her that if you create an account on Facebook she can keep track of you and tell her that you love her and cross your fingers and you might be allowed on. Also tell her that you and your friends may be moving schools, or going to different high schools! How will you keep in touch? Facebook of course!