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His family motto literally meant "no one insults me without proper punishment"

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Q: Why does montresor consider an insult worse than an injury?
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What is the meaning of the phrase 'add insult to injury'?

Adding insult to injury means to make a bad situation worse. It can be where circumstances further hurt the feelings of someone who has been hurt already, or where an already bad situation has even further unfortunate consequences. Example : "My garage was burned up in a fire, and to add insult to injury, a fire truck sideswiped my new car in the driveway.

What is the meanig of the idiom rub it in?

It means to add insult to injury, to make someone feel even worse about something they did. The image is of you rubbing salt or lemon juice into their cuts.

Adding insult to injury is said to be like rubbing what in the wound?

The phrase "adding insult to injury " (making a bad situation worse) can be intentional or coincidental. However, the idiom "rubbing salt in the wound" usually means deliberately making something painful even more painful (as salt would be to broken skin).

What is another phrase for rubbing salt in a wound?

Meaning compounding a negative event, one could also say; "Adding insult to injury" or "to make a bad thing worse"

What does the phrase ''rub salt in an open wound'' mean?

To make an injury or insult worse, like how salt hurts open wounds. Have you ever cut your anything and walked into the ocean?

Is ignoring someone the worse insult?

well, that's all about opinion...

What does it mean when someone says Ive been called worse?

it means when for example you called someone a bad name or insult them they respong saying '' ive been called worse'' meaning they have had another person call them an even worse name or anything else in other words saying your insult was weak

What is an exacerbation of an injury?

making it worse by not taking the doctors advice or resting properly

Is cena worse or better than Randy Orton?

it depends because if one of them gets an injury the one with the injury will be worse but the other one will be better but all together they are the same because they are the same build Hope this helps! :P

Is corporal injury worse than domestic violence?

The two are not the same - no comparison can be made.

What could cause your head to hurt and get worse when you move almost every night?

An injury or illness.

What are some shoulder pain exercises?

Following a shoulder injury, any exercises should be discussed with your doctor beforehand. Sometimes if your injury has not healed properly, exercises can actually make the injury worse. Your doctor should be able to advise you which exercises will be safe considering your injury.