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Q: Why does moon come up in ne and then se?
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The fixed expression "le temps perdu ne se rattrape jamais / ne se retrouve jamais" means 'you can never make up for lost time'

Why do you see a change in the moon?

because the moon isn't up all day and it changes when the sun is ready to come up

How does the waves come in the ocean?

The waves come in the ocean is because of moon. Moon is close to the earth tonight. Tonight the moon pulls up the water in the ocean so that's how The waves come in the ocean.

When is new moon going to come out in theatres?

It is coming out November 20!!! I can't wait. If you want to see the trailer look up new moon trailer on google and it will come up. Other new moon facts i wrote was the new moon trailer word by word. On wiki answers look up New Moon trailer word for word!!!

How do you say how did you come up with it in Spanish?

"¿Cómo se te ocurrió con ella?"

How come we don't have a moon?

we do, genius... look up at night. its the shiny orb

Is it the moon's job everyday to come up every night?

No. The moon does not adhere to a solar schedule but keeps its own. The moon can be seen both day and night.

How did you come up with the moon 4.5billon years old?

because the cheese has been maturing for 4.5 billion years its not your feet its the moon!!

Who discovered the blue moon?

Blue moon is a hypothetical thing. A group of scientists commissioned by National Geographic and a television company collaborated to come up with the blue moon.

How do yo come up with a 3-3 record n SB's for NE the list 7 appearances?

they are 3-4...........sorry

What is to get up in french?

"Get up" in French is "se lever".

When the up vishisht btc vacancies 2012 come?

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