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Mrs. Dubose wants the children to read to her every day as a form of distraction and companionship due to her health issues. It also allows her to teach them valuable life lessons and instill a sense of discipline and determination.

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Q: Why does mrs dubose keep the children more each day?
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What makes the children hate and fear Mrs.Dubose in to kill a mocking brird?

The children hate and fear Mrs. Dubose in "To Kill a Mockingbird" because she is verbally abusive towards them and their father, Atticus Finch. She represents the intolerance and racism that is prevalent in their society, making her a figure of both fear and contempt for the children. Additionally, her views and behavior clash with the values of compassion and understanding that Atticus teaches his children.

What is mrs dubose full name?

Mrs. Henry Lafayette Dubose is an elderly woman who lives near the Finch's. She is hated by the children, who run by her house to avoid her. Scout describes Mrs. Dubose as 'plain hell.' A virulent racist, she calls Atticus a "nigger-lover" to his children, and the upset Jem ravages Mrs. Dubose's camellias. As a punishment, Jem is forced to read to Mrs. Dubose each day for a month. Mrs. Dubose has a fit each time he reads- drooling, twitching, and more. When an alarm rings, Jem is allowed to leave. After a month and a week of reading, Jem is finally allowed to stop. Mrs. Dubose dies shortly thereafter. Atticus informs Jem that Mrs. Dubose had fallen victim to an addiction to morphine. By reading to her, Jem had distracted her so that she could conquer her addiction and die free from painkillers. In thanks, she leaves him a candy box with a camellia flower in it. Jem disposes of the box in anger, but is later seen by Scout admiring the flower. Atticus tells Jem that Mrs. Dubose was the bravest person he ever knew, and he was trying to teach Jem the importance of bravery and respect and the importance of true courage and endurance when the situation is hopeless, as in her morphine addiction. After Atticus explains why Mrs. Dubose sent him the flower, Jem learns to admire it.

What does Mrs. Dubose do to the children when they walk past her house in To Kill a Mockingbird?

mrs. dubose would yell at tjem and scout and say mean comments to them and about atticus defending a black man. she would also make fun of how scout dressed and looked. she was a mean old woman :) hope this helped!

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If you have two or more first cousins who each have children, those children are second cousins to each other. If you have two or more second cousins who each have children, those children are third cousins to each other. And so forth. It is more complicated is you are looking at cousins who are removed one or more times. And you should remember that you have cousins who are not related to each other, so their children are also not related to each other. This would be the case, for example, if one cousin is the child of your mother's brother and the other is the child of your father's sister.

If you give up parental rights to previous children can you keep a new child?

yes you can. but why have more children

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What does Mrs. Dubose think Scout should wear?

Mrs. Dubose thinks Scout should wear dresses instead of overalls because she believes it is more ladylike and proper for a young girl to wear dresses.

Who keeps your children?

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What does Mrs Dubose symbolize in 'To Kill a Mockingbird'?

Mrs. Dubose symbolizes courage and inner strength in the face of adversity. Through her struggle with addiction and the determination to overcome it, she serves as a powerful example of resilience and redemption in the novel. Her character also highlights the complexities of morality and the importance of understanding others' perspectives.

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No. For more info see

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More than 350,000 are born every day.