

Why does my 2 year old dog still poop on the floor?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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'''Take time off to housetrain your dog. Someone needs to take your dog out for midday bathroom breaks, so experts recommend taking time off work when you first get your dog.

Here are some guidelines to housetrain your dog:


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Q: Why does my 2 year old dog still poop on the floor?
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What does a dog does not eat his own poop mean?

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No, but it's still really gross to do it.

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It is not known what dog poop constitute of. However, dog poop, animals or humans poop usually constitute of what they eat like the type of food that eat.

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Do they sell fake poop?

Okay this is a simple answer YES!!! My brother has put fake poop on the floor just to freak my mother out when we were kids and then blamed it on the dog but now hes 12 and way more grown up!

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The dog's poop really depends on what the dog is eating. Dog's poop can be different in colors depending on the dog food or sometimes an abnormality in the body especially the digestive tract.

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Dog poop is big or small depending on the dog's size. Also because it depends on what your dog ate.

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Dog poop or Crap.

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Dog poop, basically.

How to Remove dog poop smells out of hard wood floor?

To remove dog fecal smells out of hardwood floors it is best to steam clean the floors with an apple cider vinegar solution of half vinegar and half water. Repeat if the smell does not leave the floor the first time.