

Why does my gerbil store seeds?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Most gerbils will LOVE seeds as they contain a lot of fat, which is why it is best to offer them as a treat, as putting them in their food can cause them to selective feed and become overweight.

Your gerbil probably sees the seeds you give them as some kind of "treasure" and so will hide them so no other gerbil can get to them.

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How do you cook pumpkin seeds for gerbils?

All you need to do is take the seeds and run them under cool water and then put them on a cooking sheet then set them in a oven for 350 degrees till golden brown. or just go to the pet store and buy some.

What eat gerbils?

Gerbils eat gerbil food that you can get in pet stores. They can also eat gerbil treats,sunflower seeds,pumkin seeds and even gerbil biscuits that you can also get in a pet store.

The diet of a wild gerbil?

crickets, grubs, seeds, roots

Where can you Buy or Get a Gerbil on HorseIsle?

Treeton Pet Store for $3,000.

Why would your gerbil get fat over night?

Either your gerbil is pregnant, or they have eaten too many sunflower seeds in one sitting. Try removing sunflower seeds from their diet. If they are still fat after one week, then your gerbil is probably expecting. For info on how to take care of baby gerbils, ask on this site 'How do you take care of baby gerbils?'.

What can you feed your gerbil so she could loose some fat?

no sun flower seeds in food

What is a good treat for a gerbil?

Usually, gerbils love raw sunflower seeds. They gobble them up.

Why do seeds need store of food?

Why do seeds need a store food

How did your gerbil get pregnant without a male?

Sorry - that's not possible ! If you bought your gerbil from a pet store - chances are it had contact with a male before you got it.

How do you get your pet gerbil to climb ladders in it's cage?

Associate it with a treat, like carrot or sunflower seeds.

What is a gerbils apatight?

seeds, nuts, fruit, crickets/grubs, premixed gerbil food sold at pet stores