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The gracilis is one of four adductor muscles of the inner thigh. Pain in this muscle group is caused by either a strained tendon or muscle. The gracilis muscle is frequently injured from sports that require constant side-to-side movements.

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2w ago

Your gracilis muscle may be hurting due to overuse, strain, or injury from activities like running, jumping, or sudden movements. It could also be due to muscle imbalances, poor flexibility, or lack of proper warm-up before exercise. Rest, stretching, and gentle exercise may help alleviate the pain. If the pain persists, consult a healthcare professional for further evaluation and treatment.

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Is a tear in an abdominal muscle called a hernia?

No, a tear in an abdominal muscle is called a muscle strain or muscle pull. A hernia is a separate condition where an internal organ pushes through a weak spot in the surrounding muscle or tissue.

Why do men lose muscle mass as they age?

Men typically lose muscle mass as they age due to a combination of factors, including a decrease in testosterone levels, reduced physical activity, and lower protein intake. These changes can lead to muscle atrophy and a decrease in muscle strength and size over time. Regular resistance training and a balanced diet can help mitigate muscle loss with age.

What is the relationship between amplitude of muscle response and voltage of stimulus applied?

The relationship between the amplitude of muscle response and the voltage of the stimulus is generally linear. As the voltage of the stimulus increases, the muscle response increases in amplitude up to a certain point. Beyond that point, further increases in voltage may not significantly increase the muscle response amplitude or could lead to muscle fatigue or damage.

What does lactic acid do to muscles?

Lactic acid accumulates in muscles during intense exercise, leading to muscle fatigue and soreness. It can also interfere with muscle contractions and may reduce performance. However, lactic acid is eventually broken down and cleared from the muscles to allow for recovery.

What type of muscle cell is responsible for performing peristalsis?

Smooth muscle cells are responsible for performing peristalsis in the digestive tract. These cells have a unique structure that allows them to contract and relax in a coordinated manner, propelling food through the gastrointestinal system.

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Anubias gracilis was created in 1936.

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Ophiclinus gracilis was created in 1906.

When was Nepenthes gracilis created?

Nepenthes gracilis was created in 1839.

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Ophiosaurus gracilis was created in 1845.

When was Streptocephalus gracilis created?

Streptocephalus gracilis was created in 1898.

When was Omphalotropis gracilis created?

Omphalotropis gracilis was created in 1894.