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I was waiting for you to mention that you have been to your doctor about this. If you haven't, then you need to. Obviously anyone who has a question about their heart deserves a careful hands on evaluation by a physician. Call your doc, or if you feel you have an emergency call 911.

That understood, for educational purposes, the description is a reasonably common one. Most people who complain of a fleeting intermittent flip flop sensation in the middle of the chest, with no other associated symptoms, are describing early or "premature" heart beats. These are heart beats that follow too soon on the heels of the preceding beat.

Our normal heartbeat is regularly paced, which enables the heart to fully fill and fully eject it's contents with each beat. If a beat follows too soon the heart only has time to partially fill, which means it ejects a smaller volume of blood with that beat. The early beat, and the slight pause until the next beat, is felt as a brief flip flop feeling in the chest, without any pain, shortness of breath or other symptoms.

Most early beats are PAC's (premature atrial ontractions), or PVC's (premature ventricular contractions), depending on the origin within the heart of the early beat.

The causes can be as simple as too much caffeine, anxiety and stress, cold and allergy medicines and decongestants, or more complicated and serious, having to do with medication interactions, thyroid problems, organic Heart disease, and other medical conditions. A history, physical exam, electrocardiogram and laboratory tests are required to properly investigate irregular heartbeats.

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Q: Why does my heart flutter when i lay down?
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The flutter could be tiny air bubbles, due to the higher fibre, moving about

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Yes, heart flutter is actually a very main side effect of pain medication. I had a root canal recently and this happened to me. It gets slower and more spaced out as the medicine wears down. You shouldn't have anything to worry about unless it is persistent when you are not on the medication or you have taken too many pills. Hope I was of some help!

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