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All breeds of dogs lick their noses and snouts to enhance their sense of smell. Since you mentioned a cafe which serves food, this is likely the reason why yours is doing so.

The reason a dog's nose is wet is because moisture allows the dog to pick up more scent molecules from the air. When a dog's nose is dry, for example after having the wind blowing in their faces or due to illness, they will lick their nose to moisten it again if they think they can smell something interesting, like food.

Nose licking is also a dog's body language to other dogs or people that "everything is fine" or "all is well". A calm signal that indicates the dog is on friendly terms with the person or dog watching the nose licking. For example, if there is another dog present , your pug could be informing the dog "hey, I'm cool bro, I'm not going to steal your food. Peace" or something to that effect.

Another reason dogs lick their nose is due to anxiety. A sign of this is excessive licking which is not immediately followed by sniffing the air and accompanied by other nervous behavioural signs.

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Q: Why does my pug keep licking her nose when we stop outside at a cafe?
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