

Why does my scale say 24C02?

Updated: 12/15/2022
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Q: Why does my scale say 24C02?
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How do you Use Scale in a sentence?

You didn't say which meaning of the word you wanted to use. If you mean scale as in a device to measure weight, you could say "I stepped on the scale and prayed that I had lost weight." If you mean scale like a fish or reptile has, you could say "I found a snake scale in the woods." If you mean scale like on a map, you could say "The scale of this map is one inch equals one mile." If you mean scale as in to climb, you could say "We plan to scale Mount Baldy this weekend."

How do you say scale in french?

scale, as in 1 inch to 1 foot = echelle scale, as in scale a cliff = grimper scale as in do, re, mi = solfege

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it isn't it is on the Richter scale

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How do you say scale in Japanese?

スケール Sukēru

How easy is it to trick yoda on a scale of 1 to 10?

On a scale of 1 to 10, I'd say is an 8.

What is the scale called that measures the strength of acids and bases?

This scale is called the pH scale. Some say this stands for " the power if the hydrogen ", or " the power of hydronium. "

How does a scale strip help measure distances on a map?

That distance on the scale, that's how many miles or kilometers are represented on that map. It'll say on the scale.

Is scale a verb or noun?

it is both. you can scale something by climbing it. but it is also a noun because there are scales, like say, a weight scale at a doctors office

Do you say a set of scales or a scale?

A set of scales.

HOW do you say 20000000000 in word form?

I say it as twenty thousand million as I use the long scale (based on powers of a million); others who use the long scale may say it as twenty milliard. Yet others still, who use the short scale (based on powers of a thousand plus one) say it as twenty billion.

How do you say quartertone scale in French music?

"the quarter tone scale" = "l'échelle quart de ton" (fem.)