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Q: Why does my stomach get blotted after every meal or drink?
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barian meal means you drink this drink if u have a stomach problem and i help ur gut show up on an x ray

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you could drink coca cola at every meal

Does every Spanish person drink milk with a meal?

That just depends on each individual.

How long does it take for your stomach to be empty after eating?

It takes about two hours for every full meal you digest.

Can you gain weight with ensure plus?

if you use it as a meal replacement you will lose weight but if you drink it with every meal you will gain weight it's all about calories in - calories out get it !

What is found in the stomach after a meal?

After a meal? Hmmmm. Food perhaps.

What do Muslims eat and drink before every evening meal during Ramadan?

They can chose to eat and drink all what is allowed to them to eat and drink on other days. refer to question below.

How many times can you drink al diafa slimming tea daily?

After every meal and before going to bed

What do you call the drink after a meal?

A drink taken after a meal is called a digestif (as opposed to one taken before a meal which is called an appertif).

How long does it take for your stomach to be empty after eating cereal?

It takes about two hours for every full meal you digest.

How do you get a three year old to stop shaking their drink all over themselves?

Every time they shake their drink over themselves (on purpose), take the drink away until the next meal.

Eating a big meal before you drink will keep you sober?

The statement that eating a big meal before you drink alcohol will keep you sober is nothing less than a myth. While it makes sense to line the stomach with food before drinking alcohol, this does not prevent one from getting intoxicated.