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Because she thought he was a gentleman, and that he knew something about breeding, but was wasn't fir to "lick he shoe. As stated on page 34 of The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

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In The Great Gatsby Identify Myrtle and George Wilson?

Myrtle Wilson is Gatsby's secret mistress and George Wilson is Myrtle's actual wife. George and Myrtle live in the valley of ashes. George Wilson shoots Gatsby because he thinks that Myrtle cheated on him with Gatsby.

Who is george in The Great Gatsby?

George Wilson is the Husband of Myrtle Wilson.

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George Wilson is the Husband of Myrtle Wilson.

How long were myrtle and George married in The Great Gatsby?

Myrtle and George Wilson were married for 12 years in "The Great Gatsby."

What does Myrtle Wilson do for a living?

George Wilson is an auto mechanic

What does myrtle Wilson's husband do for a living?

Myrtle Wilson is married to George Wilson, who owns and operates a modest auto repair shop in the Valley of Ashes. He is depicted as a hardworking and mechanically skilled individual who is struggling financially.

Does george and myrtle Wilson have children?

No, George and Myrtle Wilson do not have children in F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel "The Great Gatsby." Myrtle is having an affair with Tom Buchanan, who is married to Daisy Buchanan. George suspects that he may not be the father of Myrtle's child but remains married to her.

Who are myrtle and george Wilson in The Great Gatsby?

Myrtyle was the lover of Tom Buchanan. George Wilson was her lifeless husband. Myrtle is killed by the car that Daisy was driving. George shoots Jay Gatsby at the end of the novel and commits suicide.

Who is Myrtle Wilson in The Great Gatsbay?

Myrtle Wilson is a character in The Great Gatsby who is married to George Wilson, the owner of a garage. She has an affair with Tom Buchanan, a wealthy man from East Egg. Myrtle represents the lower class and the destructive influence of wealth and materialism on people's lives in the novel.

Who does George Wilson think killed his wife?

George Wilson believes that Jay Gatsby killed his wife, Myrtle Wilson, because he recognized Gatsby's car at the scene of the accident and because Tom Buchanan revealed Gatsby and Myrtle were having an affair.

In The Great Gatsby what is Myrtle Wilson's American Dream?

Myrtle Wilson believes that she is of higher social status that what she really is. She seeks to leave George Wilson for Tom Buchanan and live a pampered and glamorous lifestyle.

How did george find out that myrtle was having an affair in The Great Gatsby?

George found out that Myrtle was having an affair when he noticed a dog leash and some jewelry that Tom Buchanan had given her. This led George to confront and question Myrtle, ultimately leading to a fight between them.