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Because people are too lazy to search on it or just because they don't feel like it.

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Q: Why does no one know how to Google search for simple answers?
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You can work out the exercises on your own. Then you know that the answers you get are correct.

Why ask a question here when the answer can easily be found by doing a simple Google search?

In WikiAnswers, there is a much greater chance of the answers (other than the rude or plainly stupid ones) being correct. You never know what nonsense you will end up with an a browser search.

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Italy. If you actually didn't know this, a simple Google search would have sufficed.

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hehehe I don't know!! =)) but you can search in other links (Google-Yahoo answers-Cha cha & ...)

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You know, this was a simple google search. If you are referring to the character in Edward Scissorhands, it was Winona Ryder. But somehow I have a feeling you know that already.

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The synonym for after is later.It's as simple as that.If you dno't believe me then google it . if you don't know what google is then it's a search engine it basicly lets you look up items.

Is it possible to view images with Google?

Yes, it is. You just have to navigate to Google Image Search by going to Google, then finding "Images" up the top left corner. It's simple to do this, and once you know how you never forget!

Who is Dennis gaber?

I would search Wikipedia. He is on there. Or you can search Google. Let me know if this helped! I know he is on the Google home page too.

Why should you use Google advanced search?

If you know what you want from Google search but have failed finding desirable results, then you can find it by using the advanced search option of Google.

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HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW THAT?? a simple google search will provide you with a quite adequate amount of information. Game boy advanced

How can you search the web for vin?

i know use google search engin

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i don't know what the answer but can you search real answers not random one well bye I'm going to google