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Because the conditions of temperature and pressure that occur in stars do not occur on earth

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Q: Why does nuclear fusion not occur on earth?
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Does size help nuclear fusion occur?

Yes, but on earth we are limited in size

How is it that radioactive decay has always warmed the earth from the inside and nuclear fusion has always warmed the earth from the outside?

That's because of where each of these processes occur. There is no nuclear fusion inside of Earth. There is probably a small amount of radioactive decay in the Sun, but the power produced by it is insignificant, compared to the huge amount of power produced by nuclear fusion.

When does nuclear fusion occur?

nuclear fusion is not a natural occurrence, it is when two atoms are fused together

Where does nuclear fusion occur in a nuclear plant?

No place, we have not yet determined how to make a fusion reactor. Only fusion bombs.

What is nuclear fusion on the sun and where does it occur?

nuclear fusion is when 2 hydryon atoms combine or FUSE together. when this happens the neculous combine therefore causing nuclear fussion which releaces masses of heat and light enegry that radiates to earth

Where does nuclear fusion occur in any star?

in the djfafkjkvn

Why is nuclear fusion important to life on earth?

Life on Earth gets its energy from the Sun, which produces the energy through nuclear fusion.

Does nuclear fusion occur?

Nuclear fusion occurs at the core of the sun (and other stars) providing huge amount of energy to the rest of the solar system. It has also been achieved on Earth, though not in a controlled and sustained manner.

Where does most nuclear fusion occur in your solar system?


Where does nuclear fusion occur and why?

In the cores of stars and hydrogen bombs.

Fusion reactions on the sun?

yes nuclear fusion does occur on the sun, creating intense heat and light

What layer of the sun does nuclear fusion occur?

It has to be at hundreds of millions of degrees kelvin, before a fusion reaction between deuterium and tritium will start