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both the lungs are not intertwined like other organs. Tey both work in unison, yes, but theink of them like kidney. When one fails, you have the other. You have to lungs that both pump air in your blood. So when one fails, you still have the other, like kidneys. But when you are old you need to have strong lungs because as you age the lungs get weaker.

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Q: Why does one collapsed lung not affect the other lung?
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Why a person with pneumothorax has the right lung was collapsed why the left lung was still inflated?

The lungs operate independently , and you can live with one lung.

Why is one lung bigger than the other one?

well one lung is lower than the other to make room for your heart.

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What causes collapsed lung?

A pneumothorax is usually caused by an injury to the chest, such as a broken ribor puncture wound. It may also occur suddenly without an injury.A pneumothorax can result from damage to the lungs caused by conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, cystic fibrosis, and pneumonia. Spontaneous pneumothorax can also occur in people who don't have lung disease. This happens when an air-filled blister(bleb) on the lung ruptures and releases air into the pleural space.People who smoke cigarettes are much more likely to develop a pneumothorax than those who don't. Also, the more you smoke, the greater your chances are of having a pneumothorax.

What is phenumothorax?

Literally "air in the thorax", or air in the chest (where it shouldn't be) When air leaks anywhere in the space between your lung and chest wall (normally filled with slippery fluid) it increases the pressure around your lung, and pushes on your lung. This leads to your lung collapsing in on itself, because the pressure required for it to inflate is much smaller than the one keeping it deflated. Usually, you only get a fraction of your lung truly collapsed.

What is the difference of a smokers alveoli and a non smokers alveoli?

It's impossible to say. Smoking is one of MANY things which can affect the alveoli. The lungs of a smoker and a non-smoker are difficult to tell apart. On the other hand, a diseased lung looks very different to an undiseased one. If you are are shown a photo of a 'smoker's lung', it's most probably the diseased lung of a pig.

If one lung is broken does the other still work alone?


What would be a science fair project?

theres alot of those like how does age affect lung capacity (i did that it was veryyyyy easy) idk really u could google it but that one lung capacity is easy and fun!

Can i fly plane one lung?

can fly plane with one lung

What is one of the symptoms of lung cancer?

Of the many symptoms of lung cancer, one of the first that is noticed is a cough that will not go away. However other symptoms such as shortness of breath, recurring pneumonia, and change of voice often trigger awareness of the possibility of lung cancer in a patient.

How does one treat an interstitial lung disease?

Intestinal lung disease is treated through the use of medications oxygen therapy and pulmonary rehabilitation. A lung transplant is also an option but is a last resort after the other methods have failed.

How many lung present in rat lung?
