

Why does one see another persons aura?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Some people have special gifts to see the spiritual surrounding of a being. It can't be seen scientifically only spiritually.

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Q: Why does one see another persons aura?
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Do ghosts have aura?

Human beings have aura, and you can see it. But, ghosts are said not to have aura, because they are not alive, but when you see aura and it is not from you or any other human, then there is a ghost near by. Ghosts do indeed have aura.

Is the human aura cool or warm?

It mainly depends on the persons mood and the way they see themselves. The best way you can tell if some one has a warm or cool is by the way they also interact with you (universal). If they act really cheerful and in a rather good mood then their aura might be cool. However, if they are really snappy and don't want to interact with anyone then their aura might be warm with a little dark.

Can a human feel another person's aura?

sometimes. people say that they get burns called aura burns. the can go yellow or white :)

Is it possible to see the aura?

Yes, it is very possible to see the aura. I've done it myself.

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What is the ability to see something from another persons point of view to identify with and enter into another persons feelings and emotions.?


What is the ability to see something from another persons point of view and to identify with and enter into another persons feelings and emotions?


How do you use aura?

To use Aura you need to have the Ability to do it first. When you concentrate on the objects or things you MIGHT see an Aura.

Is it normal to see the future Yours or another persons?

No! Not at all!

How do you see an aura?

You follow the exercises :)

What is the definition of aura?

==new answer== It is the expression of used energy. Everthing that exists emits an aura, even a rock or tree. A person with developed perception can see these eminations of used energy. We have seven level of mind with corresponding auras. It is possible to train to read the auras emitting from different parts of the body and mind to determine a persons health. An aura can be photographed using a kirlian similar defenitiond for the name aura is energy around you the English word is electrical forcefield