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All coordinating conjunctions require a comma with them, not just but and so. The coordinating conjunctions are For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So. They are used to join two or more independent clauses.

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Q: Why does only so and but have a comma in coordinating conjuctions?
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Is there a comma before the word because?

A comma is not required before the word "because" when it is used in the middle of a sentence for a standard causal relationship. However, if "because" is used at the beginning of a sentence to introduce the reason, a comma is usually used after it.

The coordinating conjunctions that can be used to combine two complete sentences with a comma are “for, and, nor, because, yet, so”?

The coordinating conjunctions that can be used to combine two complete sentences with a comma are "for, and, nor, because, yet, so."

What are the three conjuctions?

The three conjunctions are coordinating conjunctions, subordinating conjunctions, and correlative conjunctions. Coordinating conjunctions join words, phrases, or independent clauses of equal importance. Subordinating conjunctions introduce dependent clauses that cannot stand alone as complete sentences. Correlative conjunctions work in pairs to connect words, phrases, or clauses with equal weight.

What is splice?

A sentence splice (alternately, comma splice) is when 2 independent clauses are joined by a comma. This is not grammatically correct. To fix a sentence splice, you can either change the comma to a semicolon, or you can add a coordinating conjunction after the comma (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so).

What is sentence splice?

A sentence splice (alternately, comma splice) is when 2 independent clauses are joined by a comma. This is not grammatically correct. To fix a sentence splice, you can either change the comma to a semicolon, or you can add a coordinating conjunction after the comma (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so).

Should you use a comma before but?

No, you don't use or put a comma before 'but' instead place it after it (but). Why? Simply because the word 'but' itself' acts as a comma, you pause when you get there. Never stop or pause the sentence until you get to the word itself as it acts out as a comma, even though there are some times where you can get a comma after it.

Do you ad the comma before or after the fanboy?

In American English, a comma is placed before a coordinating conjunction (FANBOYS - for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) when it is connecting two independent clauses. However, in British English, the comma is usually omitted before the conjunction.

What word do you join the independent clauses with in a compound sentence?

A coordinating conjunction, as well as a comma. Diagram: I,ccI Example: I baked a pie, so she baked a cake.

What are your greatest grammar challenges?

One of the greatest grammar challenges is the uses or more likely the over use of the comma. The comma is used to separate independent clauses when the are joined by coordinating conjunctions. There are seven on these conjunctions or, yet, so, and , but, nor, for. The comma splice when the independent clause or separated by just a comma forming a run on is the most common misuse.

Do you capitlalize but after a comma?

Only proper nouns and I are capitalized after a comma. But is a conjunction, so no, it doesn't need to be capitalized.

How do you use thus in a conjunctive adverb sentence?

[full sentence]; thus, [full sentence].The meaning of thus shows cause/effect, like so, so you would probably use it in a sentence like you would so. The difference is that thus, being a conjunctive adverb, needs a semicolon before and a comma after when it comes in the middle of a sentence.It was raining, so I took an umbrella. (So is a coordinating conjunction, so it only needs a comma before it.)It was raining; thus, I took an umbrella. (Thus is a conjunctive adverb; thus, it needs a semicolon and a comma to join the two sentences.)

Is whereas a coordinating conjunction?

No. It is a subordinating conjunction, used to connect a dependent clause. There are only 7 coordinating conjunctions: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so.