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Q: Why does osiris have a green face?
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Why does the ancient Egyptian god Osiris have a green face?

The Green Skin showed his power of resurrection and vegetation.

Different head dressing on mummies?

yes it is mostly green wich is the tradisonal color of Osiris's face

What color is osiris?

Osiris is green that is a weird colour for a person

What are animals that are associated with Osiris?

Osiris was a god in the Egyptian Pantheon. He was usually depicted as a green-skinned man; therefore, Osiris is not an animal.

Who is the egyptie god osiris?

Osiris the the god of the dead/underworld. His wife(who is also his sister) is Isis, his son is Horus, and his brother is Seth. Seth murdered him which is how he became the god he is. He is often depicted as a man in all white with his arms crossed and a green face.

Who is Mrs Osiris?

osiris is green and he wears and holds symbols of Egyptian kingship. his crown is decorated with ostrich feathers. he was a mummified man.

What was osiris' job?

Osiris was the Ancient Egyptain god of the dead. He took the people into the afterlife. He had the appearnace of a mummified person usually with a green colored face and a body that was wrapped in linen (cloth used for mumification process that is ninety days long). He also was the god for fertilty and he ruled or domuinated the afterlife. He was known as the god of the underworld.

What animal did osiris resemble?

He did not represent an animal, instead, a green skinned god.

Osiris is an important figure in Egyptian religion who symbolizes?

Osiris, lord of the dead. His green skin symbolizes re-birth. God of the afterlife; husband of Isis and father of Horus.

How did osiris look like?

In his original form, a green-skinned man dressed in the raiment of a pharaoh. Following the Legend of Osiris, he appears as a green-skinned man in the form of a mummified pharaoh. He is often depicted wearing the atef crown with a pair of ram horns at its base.

Who is Osiris's beloved?

Osiris was Isis' husband (in the Ennead).

When did the cult of osiris end?

the cult of osiris ended when Osiris died