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Q: Why does ovarian cancer grow so fast?
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Is ovarian cancer dominant or recessive?

Ovarian cancer and Breast cancer are held in the gene mutations BRCA1 and BRCA2, which only one parents needs in their genes to pass on to their children. So it is dominant.

Are there any measures that can reduce the risk of ovarian cancer?

Ovarian cancer is sometimes genetic, so chances of preventing it in truth, are small. You can make sure you aren't smoking, ease the stress in your household, and get plenty of exercise. This, along with regular check ups is the only way to protect yourself from ovarian cancer.

Do pap smears help detect ovarian cancer?

Yes definitely, annual papsmear tests are the best early detection of ovarian cancer. Many of the early stages of this type of cancer are only detected by lab tests so it is very important to have regular exams.

What type of doctor provides treatment for ovarian cancer?

They can use many treatments. The treatment they use the most is kemo. The doctors put the kemo into your body's blood system to help your white blood cells keep the cancer cells out of your body.

How do you get ovarian cancer?

Ovarian cancer is caused by cells of the ovaries not doing the "job" they are supposed to do, and instead revert all of their energy into uncontrolled reproduction. This is true of all cancers. The reason it is so hard for the body to fight off cancer is because it is actually the body's own cells that cause the problem. When cells grow at an uncontrolled rate, it becomes difficult for the other healthy cells to perform their function due to the fact they become outnumbered by the cancerous cells. Eventually these cancerous cells can enter the blood stream or lymph system and spread to other organs. Cancer usually causes a patient's demise due to the fact it causes organs to shut down, because all the energy is spent on uncontrolled cell growth, rather than cell function.

Why do dreads grow so fast?

They grow just as fast as non dreaded hair

Are there any websites that can help me find symptoms of ovarian cancer?

Ovarian cancer symtoms may include abdomen pressure, pain or swelling, nausea, constipation or diarrhea, and a general feeling of exhaustion. You should see a medical professional such as a family doctor or gynecologist to be acurately diagnosed. Your insurance can provide you with a list of doctors.

Symptoms that Indicate Ovarian Cancer?

If you have a family history of ovarian cancer, you may be curious to know what the signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer are. This type of cancer can be very hard to diagnose, as symptoms of this deadly disease can mirror those of other conditions, such as digestive issues. However, with the help of your doctor, you can be on the lookout for ovarian cancer symptoms. Be Proactive Be aware of the many ovarian cancer symptoms, but keep in mind that many symptoms that may indicate ovarian cancer may also be markers for other conditions. So, be proactive in your health analysis but always consult with your doctor on any symptoms you may be experiencing for an official diagnosis. Pressure in the abdomen, along with bloating or swelling, could be an indication of ovarian cancer. You may also experience discomfort in your pelvic area; indigestion, gas or nausea that just won't go away; constipation; no energy; and lower back pain. In addition, if you have no appetite when you previous loved eating food, if your clothes are fitting tighter around your waist and you feel full quickly after eating, talk to your doctor. Any changes in your bladder habits, such as having to urinate on a more frequent basis than usual, could also point to possible ovarian cancer. Consult with Your Physician It's important to note that if you experience just one or two of these symptoms, these alone shouldn't cause panic. That's why its wise to visit with your doctor and notify her of your symptoms. Your doctor will likely recommend lab testing to determine if it is indeed cancer or another condition. You may have increased cause for concern if you have a family history of ovarian cancer, so speaking with your physician about your risk of this type of cancer may help put your fears at ease. It may also help you be proactive and alert to possible ovarian cancer symptoms should they arise in the future. You may also get a referral to meet with a genetic counselor to get tested for gene mutations that may show an increased chance for ovarian cancer.

Does Utada Hikaru Have Cancer?

Yes it is true, in 2002, she came out to the public that she had been fighting ovarian cancer. She was diagnosed with an ovarian tumor which was removed in a surgery procedure. She was 19 at the time and perhaps by her young age, she was able to recover quickly. There have been no reports of relapse since, so it is assumed and hoped that she is in perfect health.

Help me grow my hair grow back fast?

Hair only grows so fast and nothing but time will get it back to where you want it.

Does ovarian cancer cause hyperthyroidism?

dont think so, but im not a dr, i think the thyroid just deals with metabolism i dont think it has anything to do with ovaries

Why do you grow so fast?

Its life. You enjoy it, grow up, and die. The way it works.