

Why does oxide has -2 charge?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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Q: Why does oxide has -2 charge?
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No. The oxide ion has a -2 charge.

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HgO. The single mercury cation has a +2 charge, and single oxide anion a -2 charge. Mercurous oxide would be Hg2O, ie, the mecurous ion is a dimer, therefore it has two mercury atoms, each with a +1 charge. Since the oxide ion has a -2 charge , mercurous oxide is Hg2O.

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What is the charge oxide?

-2 charge Be careful though, because if there are more than one oxygen in an oxide it will differ. Such as Aluminium oxide, the formula for this is Al2O3 and the oxide portion of this is -6

Why an oxide has -2 charge?

Oxygen itself has a charge of -2 as it is in group 6 of the table. It is not always -2 just to be careful, if there are more oxygens in the oxide, the result will be additive

Mercurous oxide formula?

Mercurous has a charge of +2, and Oxide has a charge of -2. You cross the chargesand get Hg2O2. The 2s cancel out, leaving you : HgOnuh uh, mercurOUS has a charge of +1, so it's Hg2OmercurIC has a charge of +2, that would be HgO

What is the charge of an oxide ion?

An oxide ion has a negative two charge (-2)

What is the ion for oxalate?

-2 charge Be careful though, because if there are more than one oxygen in an oxide it will differ. Such as Aluminium oxide, the formula for this is Al2O3 and the oxide portion of this is -6

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