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Your kidneys filter waste products out of what you eat and drink, and they filter your blood. So I drank a lot of cranberry juice once (32 oz. before a medical test) and afterwards my urine smelled like cranberry juice. So I guess this is just a common thing, that what you drink, especially if it has a strong odor, can cause your urine to have that same odor. I am not a doctor so there might not be great medical information in my explanation, but it's the best I know!

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Maybe you should rinse the cat pee out of your French press before you use it!

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Caffeine is a mild diuretic, so it's more or less normal.

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Q: Why does coffee smell like cat pee when you use a French press?
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What does french press taste like?

French press is just another way of preparing coffee. It tastes the same

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How much coffee beans does one coffee cup need to be prepared And what is its caffeine content?

This question is inherently too vauge to be answered. Different coffees, different roasts, different preparations are all variables to this question. Will you be making: * Drip coffee * Espresso * French Press * Turkish * Percolator * etc... Do you like your coffee strong or weak? What roast are you using? Caffeine content is strongly dependent on roast and bean preparation. Check out the Coffee Geek website and other coffee related sites for more information. Also try a French Press for a different experience from drip coffee or espresso. Some hot water, coffee and a French Press and wallah, you are stylin like Will Smith in "Hitch".

Why does my urine smell like coffee grounds?

Because you drink a lot of coffee!

What happens if you bathe in coffee?

You smell like coffee and you might get a sugar rush?

Does this French press make better-tasting coffee than a regular coffee maker if you're using the same beans?

That depends solely on your preferred coffee flavor. Most coffee drinkers would say absolutely yes, but there are some that like to stick with the Folgers crystals.

The Best Coffee Makers In The World?

A good cup of coffee is debatable. There are some who prefer automatic drip coffee. Some like coffee that is percolated. Yet others enjoy coffee that is made in a vacuum pot. But most coffee connoisseurs will tell you that the best coffee is made in a French press. The French press, also called a coffee press, is a simple yet elegant device that uses a plunger method to trap grains and allow the liquid to rise to the pot. Freshly ground beans are best, as they need to be ground coarsely so as not to seep through the mesh filter. Not quite boiled water is then poured into the press, stirred, and then left to sit and steep for a few minutes. After pressing down the grains with the plunge, the coffee is then ready to pour. Coffee drinkers have been using this method for years, because of its ease of use and distinctive taste. This method also allows drinkers to experience the true taste of the coffee by leaving the flavor more intact. A couple things to remember when making French press coffee is to be sure to use freshly ground beans for maximum flavor, and that the coffee will become bitter quickly, so it’s best to make only a few cups at a time. They are also more economical, needing no paper filters, and lighter, making them easier to transport. They’re great for camping or traveling. Although there are French press coffee makers made of plastic, the preferred types are made from glass and stainless steel. This way there is nothing contaminating the flavor of the coffee, ensuring a perfect cup every time. The drawback is that glass presses are breakable and not as durable. Popular brands of French press coffee makers are Bodum, Bonjour, and Frieling. Most high end grocery stores and kitchen centers sell French presses, and they can be found on many coffee associated websites online.

Is french vanilla coffee good?

its good if you like coffee but if you don't it tastes terrible

How does a coffee machine work so that it makes coffee?

It works like this: you put the coffee under the coffee machine and then press the botton then the coffee will come out. And so on so the coffee will come out.

What does burnt transmission fluid smell like?

it's a sweet smell, but it's a nasty smell. it smells like burning coffee and antifreeze. sounds weird but that's pretty much what it smells like

Who likes coffee?

It's a personal preference if you like coffee or not. Personally, i don't care for the taste of it at all. However it does smell good.

Does burning Oxycontin smell like skunk?

When you smoke it, it smells like burnt marshmallow, and coffee mixed.