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Q: Why does pollution still exist?
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What are urban problems that still exist today?

Pollution, housing and crime. The Romans had these problems and we still have them.

Does England still have air pollution?

England does still have air pollution. This is because there are still factories that still have pollutants that are released into the air.

Is the arctic be polluted?

No, pollution can not exist because of the very low temperature.

Does the Atahualpa still exist?

yes, because we still exist

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yes it does still exist :)

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Yes, they still exist.

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Yes they still exist

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What is a serious problem facing Czech industries?

They are still pollution-heavy

How does water effects humans?

"Polluttion" does not exist but pollution definitely does affect humans.

Do aircrafts still exist?

Yes, many aircraft still exist.

Why do deserts in the southwest US still exist?

The deserts still exist because the geographic and climatological conditions that formed the deserts still exist.