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He was screaming so the other Cyclopes would come over and help him. Instead they yelled back and asked him who was hurting him. Polyphemus says noman was hurting him, (Noman was the name Odysseus gave him). The other Cyclopes thought Polyphemus meant no one was hurting him, so they left.

Odyssey book 9

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Q: Why does polyphemus yell for the other cyclops to come help him?
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Why weren't there other cyclopes on Polyphemus's island in The Sea of Monsters?

Odysseus tricked Polythemus by telling him that his name was "Nohbdy." When Polythemus shouted for help, he yelled "Help, NOHBDY has blinded me." When the other cyclopes heard that NOBODY had hurt him, they laughed and went back to their own business.

In the book The Sea of Monsters who or what is Tyson?

Tyson was left in the streets abandoned, where he lived in a cardboard box. He went to school with Percy for a while, and was bullied by other kids despite of his size. This was due to his childish behavior, since he is after all just a little older than a baby. Percy protected him many times in school. When several giants attacked percy in their school gym, throwing large fire balls at him, Tyson stopped the barrage and hurled the balls back at the giants, killing them and destroying the gym in the process. Annabeth, who picks up Percy and Tyson, looks at Tyson strangely and refused to respect him. This is the first time when we learn that Tyson is a Cyclops. After a while, Tyson received the poseidon mark during a camp dinner, making him Percy's half brother. They both received a lot of criticism from the other campers, because Cyclops and known for their adept talent of imitating other people's voices, and tricking people. The reason Annabeth refused to like Tyson was because, long time ago, Thalia, one of the trio in which Annabeth was in, was killed due to a cyclops tricking them. The cyclops used his cunning voice to pretend to be Luke calling for help in a maze. The cyclops also used Thalia's voice to attract Luke. It was Annabeth who saved them both. However, they were later chased by monsters, which Thalia fought off in order to save them both. In the end, Tyson helped defeat another cyclops, Polyphemus, who has the golden fleece that can save the camp, and also the one who kidnapped Grover, a satyr. After that, Tyson joined Poseidon's army as a blacksmith, for Cyclops are born with a talent in that. He creates a shield describing their adventure, which can be turned into a watch, for Percy, which saved his life many times in the future. Tyson participated in many other adventures, and was one of the warriors who took down Kronos in the fifth book, The Last Olympian, which earned him the title of a General. The book Son of Neptune, where percy was put into a coma by Juno and then guided to help the Roman Camp, Camp Jupiter, Tyson searched for Percy, and helped defeat the monsters (including cyclops) that tried to destroy the romans.

What is Cyclops special power in X-Men The Last Stand?

Cyclops possesses the mutant ability to project a beam of heatless ruby-colored concussive force from his eyes, which act as inter-dimensional apertures between this universe and another. Cyclops' body constantly absorbs ambient energy, such as sunlight, from his environment into his body's cells that allows him to open the apertures. Cyclops' mind generates a psionic field that is attuned to the forces that maintain the apertures. Because this field envelops his body, it automatically shunts the other-dimensional particles back into their point of origin when they collide with his body. Thus, his body is protected from the effects of the particles, and even the thin membranes of his eyelids are sufficient to block the emission of energy. The synthetic ruby quartz crystal used to fashion the lenses of Cyclops' eyewear is resonant to his minds' psionic field and is similarly protected. The width of Cyclops' optic blast is focused by his mind's psionic field with the same autonomic function that regulated his original eyes' ability to focus. As Cyclops focuses, the size of the apertures change and thus act as a valve to control the flow of particles and the beam's relative power. The height of Cyclops's eye-blast is controlled by his visor's adjustable slit. The beam's effective range is approximately 2,000 feet. Due to a head injury, Cyclops is unable to shut off his optic blasts at will and must therefore wear ruby quartz lenses to block the beams.

Is it possible to catch Pokemon exe a nosepass in diamond when it is not swarming?

no but come to my forum: we trade, battle, talk, help each other in the game, and we have free Pokemon for prizes sometimes.

Why did William dunn moseley come to the US?

To help fight segregation

Related questions

How do the other Cyclops respond to Polyphemus' cries?

The other Cyclops ignore Polyphemus' cries for help, thinking that he is just playing a trick. They do not come to his aid, assuming that he is fine.

Why won't the other cyclops come to polyphemus's rescue?

The other cyclops won't come to Polyphemus's rescue because they are typically independent and live in isolation. They do not have a strong sense of community or cooperation with other cyclops. Additionally, Polyphemus was blinded by Odysseus and his men, so there is no bond of familial loyalty or obligation that would compel other cyclops to help him.

Why can't Polyphemus get the other cyclops to help him?

Polyphemus is unable to get help from the other cyclops because he is isolated from them on his own island. Additionally, the other cyclops may fear or envy his strength and power, making them unwilling to assist him.

What does polyphemus say to his fellow cyclops?

Polyphemus says to his fellow Cyclops that he has been blinded by "Nobody" when he is attacked by Odysseus in Homer's "The Odyssey." He then calls for help from the other Cyclops, but when they hear him say that "Nobody" has hurt him, they assume he is fine and do not come to his aid.

What happens when polyphemus yells for help?

polyphemus yells and calls his fellow cyclops for help. When they come they ask who is hurting him, he answers NOBODY IS KILLING ME! and at this all the cyclops laugh and go away.

Why don't the cyclops do not help Polyphemus?

The other cyclops did not help Polyphemus when he was blinded by Odysseus because they believed that he was shouting "Nobody" harmed him, so they thought no one was actually attacking him. Additionally, cyclops are known for their solitary nature and may not feel obligated to intervene in each other's affairs.

Why don't the other cyclops es help Polyphemus?

Other cyclopes do not help Polyphemus because he is portrayed as a solitary creature in Homer's Odyssey. Each cyclops is independent and looks out for themselves. Additionally, Polyphemus behaves aggressively towards others, which may contribute to his isolation.

What did Odysseus tell Polyphemus that his name was no man how did this help him?

When Odysseus introduced himself as "No Man," he cunningly deceived Polyphemus, the Cyclops. By doing so, Odysseus made it difficult for Polyphemus to identify him later when seeking vengeance. As a result, when Odysseus and his men blinded the Cyclops and escaped, Polyphemus couldn't call out a specific name for help, allowing Odysseus to continue on his journey without immediate retribution.

Why do the other Cyclops fail to help Polyphemus when they respond to his cries for help in the Story the Cyclops?

The other Cyclops do not help Polyphemus because they believe that nobody is attacking him, as he tells them that "nobody" is hurting him. Therefore, they assume that he is not in any real danger. Additionally, they might also be intimidated by the size and strength of Odysseus and his men, who are hiding under the sheep to escape.

Why do the other Cyclops not help Polyphemus after he's been stabbed in the eye?

The other Cyclops did not help Polyphemus because they were not aware of the true identity of the person who harmed him, as Odysseus and his men tricked Polyphemus by claiming their name was "Nobody." Additionally, the Cyclops were isolated and lived independently, which could have also contributed to their lack of intervention.

How does Odysseus keep the Cyclops from coming to help Polyphemus?

He cuts out his tongue

Whose help does Polyphemus want?

Polyphemus, the cyclops in Greek mythology, seeks the help of his father Poseidon to seek revenge on Odysseus for blinding him.