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ANSWER:Human feces is digested and undigested food. It is also human waste from the body such as dead blood cells and other toxins. It normally consists of about 66% digested and undigested food and about 33% live bacteria. This gives it its foul odor and it is crucial that you wash your hands afterward because this bacteria can make you very ill if ingested.
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Q: Why does poop smell so horrible when all it's only digested food?
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Why you need digest food?

Because you can only proscess your food if it is digested.

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It is where the food passes after you eat.

Is there sucrose in feces?

No, there is not sucrose in feces. This is because sucrose is only in food that is not digested.

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Your body can not absorb the food if it is not digested chemically. Your body can absorb the simple sugars like fructose and glucose, vitamins and minerals only, without digestion.

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There are many digestive juices in our body to digest the food but some kind of food is not digested by our digestive juices of any bacteria eg.Dietary fibres (cellulose) is not digested by our body as it needs to be digested by some special kind of bacteria which is only present in rumens.Hence also verified that we cannot digest all kinds of food.

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Ya it does because the drink is digested with the food at the same time so only part of the drink is digested. Therefore it would decrease the effects.

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Food must be chemically digested because the substances which our body needs cannot be absorbed into the blood until they have been broken down into small, soluble chemicals with the help of enzymes in our mouth. When the food is digested, its molecules are small enough to pass through the wall of the small intestine by diffusion.

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Because you can't process raw food into "you", only the simple components that result from digestion.

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nothing happens only it gets hot that you may not want to touch at all. but thing get in the oil, the oil can start to smell and no way you want to get near that or touch because it will smell horrible?

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Their sense of smell is good but they can only smell things about 20 to 30 feet away.

How does food get digested in the stomach?

well the liver squirts an enyme called amalaz into the stomach and then it get churned around by the hydrochloride acid then it is parcely dissolved and sent into the mall intestine

Why do your burps taste like rubber cement?

It smells like that because your food is being digested and when you burp, your stomach acid (that has broken down other foods) lets the smell out. And it doesn't only smell like rotten eggs. It's like when you let out gas.